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Apple Said to be Planning iPad 3 Launch Event in March, and “Strange†Event in Feb


iPadForums News Team

AppleInsider reports today on some new information that has come to light on Japanese site Macotakara. Last month, Macotakara said that Apple would be holding a launch event in February for the iPad 3 and iOS 5.1, basing this prediction on information from sources in the Asian supply chain and another source in the US. However, the site is now saying that its previous story was only half correct: it still says that Apple will be staging an event in February, but it now says that this will not be for the launch of the iPad 3 or iOS 5.1, but rather for a “Strange†event. Unfortunately, Macotakara is not able to elaborate further on exactly what this even is, although it does say that it will not be a product launch. As far as the iPad 3 is concerned, Macotakara says that Apple will be launching it at a special event in early March, with the release date being some time later in March. They make no mention of when iOS 5.1 might appear.[/FONT]

UPDATE: Jim Dalrymple of the Loop, who is usually right about these things, has said that Apple is not holding any sort of event in February, "Strange" or otherwise!

[FONT=&amp]Source: Rumor: Apple to hold 'strange' event in Feb. ahead of March third-gen iPad launch[/FONT]
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