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Apple's Latest ‘Your Verse’ Ads Highlight iPad Usage for Orchestras, Traveling Writer


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Apple has created a specific webpage on its home website, called Your Verse, where it highlights the iPad's role in many situations. The latest additions showcase a composer and conductor and a traveling writer. Have a look at their stories below and let us know what you think of the iPad's role in our modern lives.

To open up classical music for a new generation of listeners, Salonen set out to demystify the workings of an orchestra. “I wanted to shed light on the symphony orchestra — its history and its present. To explain how and why it works the way it works,” he says. That led Salonen and his colleagues in the Philharmonia to develop The Orchestra app for iPad.

The Orchestra harnesses the power of iPad Air to provide users with an interactive, immersive look at all the elements of an orchestra. “All of a sudden, what looks kind of odd and distant and maybe a little abstract becomes much more real and normal,” Salonen says. “I’d be delighted if somebody would discover classical music through The Orchestra.”

Born with no hearing in both ears, King relies primarily on her ability to read lips, leaning on her hearing aid to help understand conversations better. She’s traveled to 31 countries and five continents. Along the way, her iPad has become an indispensable sidekick. “Even simple things like overhead announcements at airports are hard for me to pick up,” says King. “So I’ve missed flights because I didn’t hear about a gate change. Now I use apps on my iPad to see notifications of flight changes.” King uses multiple apps — from travel guides to maps to language and translation apps — to connect with people and explore every destination to the fullest. “iPad is one of my essential travel tools,” says King.

Born with no hearing in both ears, King relies primarily on her ability to read lips, leaning on her hearing aid to help understand conversations better. She’s traveled to 31 countries and five continents. Along the way, her iPad has become an indispensable sidekick. “Even simple things like overhead announcements at airports are hard for me to pick up,” says King. “So I’ve missed flights because I didn’t hear about a gate change. Now I use apps on my iPad to see notifications of flight changes.” King uses multiple apps — from travel guides to maps to language and translation apps — to connect with people and explore every destination to the fullest. “iPad is one of my essential travel tools,” says King.
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