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Apps for working with MS Word and Excel?


iPF Noob
Just joined! First time using ipad2 for business and need the best app for openind, creating, editing, and saving MS Word docs, preferably in docx format. Is Apple's Pages the best considering the interface, downloading and storing on the cloud; or are there better apps? Also looking for a good app for the same with excel
I bought 'Docs to Go'. It works really well and can sync your documents on your pc or laptop with you iPad.
I am a heavy PC/Excel/VBA user but have started using Apple products. Took my Mac book back... but have had an Ipad1 and now have an iPad2. Maybe I need to wait until there is an iPad equivalent PC Table produced.....just keep carrying my PC. All my business clients run windows.

I need to use PC/Windows created Excel Forms the include VBA powered buttons which work fine on my PC. I need these to work on the iPad. I need to be able to input data into the forms, then activate and run the macros on the iPad to present tabulated data to clients. Then auto clear the form via another button generated VBA macro. I have researched iPad apps a little...and it looks sketchy to say the least. "Docs to go" look promising. Is there anyone out there that can confirm all of this will work for me?

Or suggest some other tried and usable app for the iPad?


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