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Apps not updating...


iPF Novice
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, or if there are other threads about this subject alrady that I did not find, but here goes.

For about a week now I have been unable to update any apps in the App Store. New versions show up on the "Updates" tab, with an "UPDATE" button next to them, but when I click on that button, iOS just opens up the app instead of downloading the new version. This is affecting both my iPad Air and my iPhone (both jailbroken on iOS 7.06, though I don't believe the jailbreak has anything to do with it). I am able to download new apps from the App Store, but not able to update existing ones. So right now I have a bubble with a "20" in it on my iPad App Store icon, and another bubble with an "18" on my iPhone, and there's nothing I can do (short of deleting any updated apps and then reinstalling the new version, I guess. Not the preferred way to go for the future).

I have rebooted both devices to see if that clears anything, but no luck. This just started out of the blue; I did not upgrade the system in any way (so not iOS8 related) and did not install anything new in the days before.

Anyone else seeing this or a similar problem and/or found a solution?


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