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Apps won't download from the App Store

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Bex said:
I restored my iPad and it's fine now!!! Thanks for the suggestions guys!!!! :D

That's what I had to do and it works now. Surprised at the lack of attention to this issue by Apple. Wonder if it was coincidental with rollout of the new I-Pad.
That's what I had to do and it works now. Surprised at the lack of attention to this issue by Apple. Wonder if it was coincidental with rollout of the new I-Pad.

Wonder how many people have actually had probs and contacted Apple. I also wonder whether there are specific apps that are hanging for many users.

My husband and I upgraded six iDevices to iOS 5.1, and none of the devices have had probs updating apps since. We've not bought any new apps since, though.
I've been having the same problem with my 64GB iPad2. The first time it happened, I reset my Network Settings and all the apps stuck in Waiting mode started downloading. But, subsequently, that is not working at all. I just went through the Reset process
TEN TIMES, to no avail! Plus, who wants to go through all of that just to get a new app? I've had it! I don't care about the rollout of the new iPad3 - I paid for N iPad2 less than a year ago. Apple needs to address this issue. Tomorrow I'm calling Apple Support, which is what everyone should do. Especially if your iPad is under warranty. I bet after enough people keep those techs on the phone from dawn to dusk, this problem will be addressed. We didn't pay $500 to $900 to spend time trying to get help from online forums like this - which are cool if we can find answers. I'll let you all know what I found out......
I’m using an iPad 2 32gb Wifi. My problem is that downloading apps from the app store never download anymore. It used to work up until yesterday. Now, any apps I try to download or update are stuck at “waiting.†I feel like I’ve tried every solution on the internet except for factory reset because I do not want to lose any of my apps data and things. I’ve tried syncing it to my computer, which makes the apps “waiting†disappear off the iPad. I’ve also tried rebooting it several times. As well as, signing out of the app store, resetting my network settings, downloading from a different router connection, resetting all warnings for buying and downloading on my iTunes account, and updating my iTunes. I’ve deleted the apps that were in “waiting†and tried downloading them again, and I’ve had no luck. I’ve also tried downloading one at a time, again, no luck. It’s been really frustrating. The only way I can now get apps on my iPad is if I plug it into my computer, download the apps on iTunes and sync them on it. That is very inconvenient. There are no pending or waiting downloads on my iTunes, and my iPad software is up to date (iOS 5.1). My internet connection is great and all the other apps I have still work perfectly. And I didn’t do anything different yesterday to spark this issue. I’m just running out of solutions. Please help!
I am having the very same problem. Yesterday all was fine. Today I cannot download one sigle app. Nothing has been changed in my settings either. Can anyone help?
Apple's stores are down due to an internal DNS error. It's not possible to download, install or update apps since more than 10 hours ago. Apple is working on fixing this problem as soon as possible.
LOL, enjoyed a good example of something at rest or inactivity being woken up:D....(thanks Dave)
But as the OP had the original problem solved, and some iPad difficulty three years later being satisfactorily explained as Apple stores being temporarily off-life (thanks Johanna), we'll close this thread now.:)
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