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Article: 13 glaring flaws of the Ipad

Serious questions for you guys-

Do you, or anyone you know, actually use a laptop or other eReader in direct sunlight ever? eg. at the park, beach, backyard, etc.

And be honest. :)

I'm wondering if this is actually an issue for anyone (a serious buying consideration) to be able to read a display easily when doing things outdoors.

I have never been able to use a laptop effectively outdoors so I gave up on that whole notion many years ago. For me when I'm in directly sunlight I can't see what's on a laptop screen and I don't even have the glossy display type.
Slippery? Finger prints? Did he learn to wash his hands or does he need mama to remind him?
I could write an article about all the short comings of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich if i wanted to, it's a cheesy article purely meant to steal the thunder from a firestorm of ecstatic media hype. They are simply trying to be read amongst all of the other writers out there and chose a negative angle.

Anyone out there ever on a debate team? Same type tactic, you don't have to agree with the position, you simply need to passionate about presenting the side you chose.
But the thing that bothers me most about such dribble is that it's fed to the public as truth, thus becomes a programming to be used by Apple haters.

I've read from people I like that the iPad's wifi does not work and that you can burn your crotch with it!!!! Now where did this become truth? From stinking articles like this one...
Serious questions for you guys-

Do you, or anyone you know, actually use a laptop or other eReader in direct sunlight ever? eg. at the park, beach, backyard, etc.

And be honest. :)

I'm wondering if this is actually an issue for anyone (a serious buying consideration) to be able to read a display easily when doing things outdoors.

I have never been able to use a laptop effectively outdoors so I gave up on that whole notion many years ago. For me when I'm in directly sunlight I can't see what's on a laptop screen and I don't even have the glossy display type.

Outside of the beach when I used to live in CA... never! I do take my laptop to the park to work several times a month and I ALWAYS look for a bench or spot in the shade. Partly because I know laptop screens just glare in the sun but also because I'm whiter than white and burn easy. =)

Just pulling numbers out of my arse... but I would say the glare caused by sun for those who don't sit in the shade outside would probably effect less than 5% of all iPad users. Those that are intent on using their iPads while sunbathing will probably be disturbed more by the greasy streaks caused by their sun tan lotioned fingers than they will some glare on the screen.

It seems that a lot of these arguments against the iPad are rare occasions for *most* users. Yes if standing in a park while holding the iPad in one hand with the sun directly overhead and a train rolling by on the tracks your arm may get tired, your legs may get tired, you may get sun tan lotion streaks on your iPad and may not be able to hear the internal speakers... but how many times a day does that happen to all of us iPad users! About 5 times a day just speaking for myself! :D

This just in... iPad causes sun burns!
The direct sunlight thing may be related to the kindle and its e ink display that you can read in sunlight. Never used one so don't know if you can read a Kindle comfortabaly in direct sunlight.
The direct sunlight thing may be related to the kindle and its e ink display that you can read in sunlight. Never used one so don't know if you can read a Kindle comfortabaly in direct sunlight.

Direct comparisons of the iPad to the Kindle is like comparing a cargo ship to an 18-wheeler. Sure both are modes of transportation that can get cargo from Seattle to Los Angeles... but they are two completely different things!

Sure the iPad and the Kindle both have the capability of reading ebooks... but they are completely different things! Why do people only focus on readability in direct sunlight? Why don't people focus on readability in bed without having to turn on the lights or using external lights and disturbing your significant other while they are sleeping? That is more important to me than not being able to step over into the shade during the day.
I don't know who you are but your opinion is ridiculous. I love everything about this thing. For the people who don't like don't buy it and if you have return. I personally love it to say it is awkward is really asinine. I am a 4 ft 10 elderly women and find it very easy to handle. If you dont like too bad a lot more of us do like it.
I think a lot of these people who write these articles criticizing apple products are marketing for someone else.
There is more money in being negative. It is like that in everything anymore. Look at the environmentalist groups. They never compromise, no matter how far out their logic is. They will bring up suppositions and wives tales that have no relevance. And for being illogical and fiction driven, they get media attention, and donations. If they compromise, they no longer have a high profile cause, and people forget them.

It is the same with these guys. Nobody pays attention to stories about how the iPad does what it is suppose to do. Happy customers is borrrrrriing news. Turn the facts into a negative and you get readers from all aspects. From those who cannot stand Apple for one reason or the other, from the Apple hard-core who want to refute it. and those on the fence who are trying to come to a decision.

So, 300,000 sales are disappointing. Apps not being fully mature, is a crises. And initial issues in a few units is a disaster.
NO USB port.
Actually, I am looking forward to the 2nd Generation to be with USB port, DVD avaliablity, and camera.:ipad-front:
From what I can tell the main issues with the iPad so far are:
1. Charging (needing to have a dedicated main usb bus port) issues
2. Some stability in apps (initial issues experienced by any day 2 hardware)
3. Wifi signal / connect issues (which may be the biggie here).

Other than these - most of this seems like fluff and design issues.

And when it comes to design issues - how about we add 2 usb ports and an SD slot. Then we could make the screen a little bit larger - and then we could add a pound to the weight - and, well, you see where we are headed here.
Thank you for a good point by point review. I haven't bought an Ipad yet, and I'm interested in people's honest opinions. We all know a first generation product is never going to be perfect.

I think my main concern is how to hold it, and if u get tired of holding it after an hour or so. It would seem layin it on a flat surface and typing or viewing isn't very comfortable unless you have some kind of stand for it.

It's the same criticism's found in any other online article about the iPad. Depending on how YOU use it, some have merit and others don't, while others are certainly a negative no matter how you use it.

"It's heavy." Not for how I hold it when I'm on the couch surfing around. I also bought the Apple case/cover for it and it helps in propping up the iPad at certain angles.

"It's slippery." Not for me. The neoprene (or whatever the material is) case gives it a very sure feeling when holding it. And because of how the case is designed, putting it on a table in 'typewriter' mode offers a stable base.

"The screen has too much glare." Not for me while I'm inside my house. As an added bonus, the viewing angle is quite wide. Outside though, the glare is horrendous. Glad I don't go outside with it.

"Forget reading in the sun." Duh. Let's make another paragraph about the same point we just made in the one prior (in the article, that is).

"Fingerprints are annoying." To a degree, yes. However, they only become annoying to me when the screen is black. To sum it up: for a majority of the time I've played with the iPad, fingerprints have not been an issue nor cleaning them off.

"It does not multitask." I don't do many things at once but the one thing I do like to do is listen to music and 'something else'. And the iPad does that and the 'something else' just fine. Even when I have to close an app to open another, the app I just closed still re-opens to where it was.

"The browser is limited." Flash isn't a concern for me. The sites I visit are mainly message forums and news sites. If you go to the iPad page on Apple's website, they have a (growing) list of HTML5 websites and the handful of ones listed cover my news needs just fine and look great to boot.

"The virtual keyboard stinks." Meh. Works fine for me and my hunt-n-peck style typing wife. I don't use the thing to compose documents or emails anyhow.

"No USB port." Yeah, that does kinda suck. It'll be great if the iPad had one and could act as a host and do file exploring, etc. But I can't be upset at something that was never implemented on the iPhone/iPod. I'm not sure where the camera connectivity set comes into play and how that might change things concerning USB though.

"iPhone only apps look terrible." Wouldn't know...only been looking at iPad apps. But common sense should tell you that blowing up an app to over twice its resolution isn't going to leave anyone's jaws dropping. I will say though, compared to iPod apps - holy high sticker prices Batman.

"The price is just too high." There are many arguments one can make for/against the price but ultimately, it's your money.

"It doesn't replace anything." I own a desktop PC, a laptop, Droid and now an iPad. Want to guess what I'm reaching for now when I'm on the couch and want to 'consume some media'? No, the iPad doesn't outright replace anything nor did I expect it too. But it sure beats the pants off using a desktop/laptop/smartphone for the activities that I'm doing.
I don't know who you are but your opinion is ridiculous. I love everything about this thing. For the people who don't like don't buy it and if you have return. I personally love it to say it is awkward is really asinine. I am a 4 ft 10 elderly women and find it very easy to handle. If you dont like too bad a lot more of us do like it.

This makes one want to laugh about the little wimps that can't hold an iPad but for a few minutes. Talk about modern day couch potatoes!

Those complaining need not only to get a life but get out and get some exercise before they drop dead of a heart attack. They don't need an iPad they need some walking shoes.

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