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AS requested, here is my welcome post!


iPF Noob
New Member. Recently (a couple of months) got my iPad 2 and am generally happy with it. Use it mostly for entertainment since i find it somewhat limited in other aspects. The biggest issue i have is that i am not able to move files within the iPad's system, and so I embark upon this quest... how to move the files i uploaded thru iFile explorer from their folder to my Photos folder. I do not use iTunes much because it is a pain in the butt... i have a need to have control of my machines and have them do what I want them to do...And so, here I am... looking for the App that will allow me to move my files at will.Daddy0h
Take a look at the app Goodreader ($4.99, USD). It is one of the best files management apps out there, able to help you move stuff around within the iPad's "sandbox." I know you can use it in conjunction with your computer or Dropbox to move photos around in the iPad, whether to put them into the Photos app or elsewhere. You can also use it as a files manager, where you can create folders and sub-folders all day.

There's plenty of threads concerning Goodreader, so I won't expound it it much more. Suffice it to say, here, that many people on this forum agree that Goodreader is the "Swiss Army Knife" of apps.

Good luck - and welcome to the forum. Good to see you and hope you enjoy your visit(s).

Thanks a bunch Marilyn!!

Looking at that and will see if, after that piece of advice, you will be elevated to the status of Yoda! (At least, by me)Hugo
Well... this is what happened... I was able to move my photos from the App where i had them to the built in Photo viewer. I wanted to do that because I wanted to use the slideshow available (I like the Origami show). I was not so lucky with my videos... it wouldn't let me transfer them to that container and that was important to me because I wanted to keep the use of my iPad intuitive by using the interface already provided by the system, but it was no dice. I have been reading around the net and it seems that the iPad is limited... or actually Apple, limits us, from accessing the file system at ANY level other than what is on the surface and it wants to keep us locked to using the APPLE system for EVERYTHING we do, but I (an am sure a lot of other users) acquire video from websites other than iTunes and there is where you run into the FENCE AROUND THE SANDBOX that Apple has built... Pity. In a scale from 1 to 10, as an App, i guess it gets an 8, but as a file system management tool it gets a 5.

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