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Atomic browser - can't reply/create threads


iPF Noob
I like the Atomic browser, but on this forum I can't reply to a thread with Atomic, the text entry box is greyed out.
Same issue for creating new threads...I can type in the title, but not the main body of text.
Any suggestions?
ah...found the problem and fixed it
settings - identify browser as
it was set to mobile safari. I changed it to desktop Safari and now I can reply to threads
The issue about some browsers not allowing text input on this forum and other forums etc is just poor programing there is a fix please read following.

Ok I have done some research and yes I know I am crazy but I have 8 browsers which is almost every one available. You may ask why and it's a good question. I provide support not only here and iphone4 forums but also user groups and my own client base.
Note in each case I signed in to the forum

So here is the hot list of browsers that allow you to edit and post in this and other forums.
1) Safari. - no problems
2) Perfect browser - change preferences to safari desktop rendering
3) Atomic web - change preferences to safari iPad
4) iCab - change preferences to safari support

This list is browsers that do not allow you to post into text boxes in not only this forum but others as well. Text boxes are grayed out

1) Super web. No option to change to safari in pref
2) Browser duo - no option to change to safari in pref
3) Readdle docs - no option to change to safari in pref
4) ibrowser - no option to change to safari in pref

Note I have not tested the last list for 4 weeks they may have been corrected by now input would be great
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I purchased the $.99 version of the Atomic browser just to have the abp option for many forums I frequent. One thing that is really annoying me, is when I will have a few sites open on their own specific tabs. Then I go to my home screen on the iPad, to maybe check an email, etc. Then when I go back to my Atomic browser, it only shows the website\tab I had opened on the far right. Everything else is wiped out. I hate that it does that!
I purchased the $.99 version of the Atomic browser just to have the abp option for many forums I frequent. One thing that is really annoying me, is when I will have a few sites open on their own specific tabs. Then I go to my home screen on the iPad, to maybe check an email, etc. Then when I go back to my Atomic browser, it only shows the website\tab I had opened on the far right. Everything else is wiped out. I hate that it does that!
Hi, did you set the correct behaviour like this :
Settings - load on startup - last session (all open tabs) ?

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