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Attaching photos to email

skimonkey said:
Perhaps others can help you.

Also, search your question-perhaps we missed something which may be hidden in previous threads. Good luck.

Ok have realised that I should be using the mail app not the aol and yahoo apps I added in. I went to the mail app and there were all the photos I emailed to myself but they would not go to another email account, saying it did not allow relaying. I went back to your first advice and did all that you said but still said no relaying. Don't know what that means...
What exactly is it you are trying to achieve? If you want the photo to go to several emails than just include it or blind copy or ccopy. Not sure about the relay?

By the way-glad you figured out to use the photo app to attach the pic.
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finnpaddy said:
How do I get a photo from from iPad photos to be attached to an email? When I click on the icon to send the photo as an email it doesn't go, so I went to my email account and there were no icons for attachments

Inside your message tap the screen and a menu appears which includes attach photo

If you won't to forward an email, remove the re: from the subject line

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