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Australian Government orders 30 million iPAD2's with Kanga-Fi


Staff member

It was reported to day that an order was placed with Apple USA for 30 million kanga-Fi ipad 2's. This is the largest single order ever placed with Apple. The government decided that in order to make sure our 30 million kangaroos have the latest technology that the ipad2 would be the perfect solution. The kanga's as they are known in Australia have a built in pouch which offers constant support for the ipad2 and offers a warm fuzzy feeling and not to mention the special magnets that turn on the iPAD2 when removed from the pouch. There are no zips to damage the precious iPAD2 and it is guaranteed to offer the support they need when they are on the move.

In order to complete the purchase several Apps have been written just for the Kanga's. One of the most popular is Where am I ?. Very popular as they usually are not near roads and get totally lost, another one that is great How fast can I hop. This App is multiuser and allows the population to share there speed times. Internet is a bit or a problem so the government have invented a net work call kanga-Fi which Apple bundles with every ipad2. It is similar to wifi however only kangaroos can use it. One game is so popular it made top of the charts called Angry Roos seems it is real popular. Another real popular App is Shooter similar to red light cameras however it is different as it warns the kangaroos if a kanga shooter is near by....One final game they love is Kanga Racing Similar to Speed racing except Kangaroos hop to the finish line.

Supply to the rest of the world of iPAD2's will be a problem as it is understood that Apple can only produce 40 million iPAD'S in 2011.

One answer to the problem is for the many individuals whom want an ipad2 come to Australia and find there very own kangaroo and take it home with them however finding them may be difficult as they are scattered all over Australia. Of course you will have to pay a price for this unique iPAD2.

Some of the issues that you should be aware of before purchasing are you have to be fast to catch one as they can reach 35 mph however learning to hop can be an advantage and you will require permission from the Australian government to export your ipad2 kanga from Australia but think about it!! you will be the talk of the town when you get your iPAD2 complete with a magnetic kanga Pouch and Kanga-Fi back home.

For pricing for this fantastic offer please contact Bond "Alan Bond"........ I believe he sailed in an important Americas Cup race some years back........
So Hop on Down soooooon :D:D:D......

Oh enjoy this special DAY in September or is it April 1st ........lol :D:D:D:D:D:D

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