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Avi movies from pc can be transferred without conversion with av playerhd onto iPad


iPF Noob
Mar 28, 2012
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I thought I had to convert any movies I had with handbrake into either mp4 or Mkv , But to my discovery with trying to import a avi movie from my pc without converting it I was able to do it with AVplayer HD . I opened the player selected where it said add and then went to the location of the movie on pc then selected add and the movie was put into the player and then I opened the app after complete transfer and was able to watch the movie on my iPad.
eddiethebhoy said:
I thought I had to convert any movies I had with handbrake into either mp4 or Mkv , But to my discovery with trying to import a avi movie from my pc without converting it I was able to do it with AVplayer HD . I opened the player selected where it said add and then went to the location of the movie on pc then selected add and the movie was put into the player and then I opened the app after complete transfer and was able to watch the movie on my iPad.

Ain't it nice? :)

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