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.avi movies on Ipad2

If it is not late, You can't watch them in .avi format on the iPad 2 - they need to be converted first to .mpg or .mov format. Try the great free app called aisee (ipad-converters.org) or another of your choice to convert your files. Then just sync them over via iTunes or via a good cloud sync app like Dropbox.
Hi! Donka. I have downloaded OPlayer and sync'd it to my iPad2 my problem is "how do you use it", I've tried dragging from my films folder on my computer ,but nothing,can you help.
Also I do have VLC loaded on my computer and have it set as my default. is it possible to use it to convert to Mp4 or Mpv ???
Hi! Donka. I have downloaded OPlayer and sync'd it to my iPad2 my problem is "how do you use it", I've tried dragging from my films folder on my computer ,but nothing,can you help.
Also I do have VLC loaded on my computer and have it set as my default. is it possible to use it to convert to Mp4 or Mpv ???

I don't use OPlayer anymore but if I recall correctly, you need to use the USB sharing feature in iTunes. Connect your iPad to iTunes and once it shows up in the list on the left, click on it and then click on the apps tab at the top of the main screen. Scroll down this page until you see a list of installed apps on your iPad that are available for sharing. Click on OPlayer. Now open the folder on your computer that has the AVI or MKV files and drag the ones you want into this sharing pane in iTunes. They will copy over and once complete will be available in the OPlayer library on your iPad. You don't need to sync again as they are already copied over.
If it is not late, You can't watch them in .avi format on the iPad 2 - they need to be converted first to .mpg or .mov format. Try the great free app called aisee (ipad-converters.org) or another of your choice to convert your files. Then just sync them over via iTunes or via a good cloud sync app like Dropbox.

That is the point posters are making...you do NOT have to convert if you use one of the apps mentioned. I use AVPlayerHD and it is brilliant. I still have VLC from the good old days when it was in the App store too.
donka,you are one star,everything now working thanks to you,one final question, I have downloaded OplayerHD lite, whats the advantage of the full version???
donka,you are one star,everything now working thanks to you,one final question, I have downloaded OplayerHD lite, whats the advantage of the full version???

np. :)
The full version has no ads - if you are offline when watching movies then you won't get any ads in the lite version but you may get a small grey or black box at the top of the screen. If you are looking to purchase a movie player though, I would recommend BuzzPlayer HD or GoodPlayer - the latter of which is universal if you also have an iPhone. I would keep an eye on AcePlayer too - this does a similar job, is universal and is frequently discounted.
np. :)
The full version has no ads - if you are offline when watching movies then you won't get any ads in the lite version but you may get a small grey or black box at the top of the screen. If you are looking to purchase a movie player though, I would recommend BuzzPlayer HD or GoodPlayer - the latter of which is universal if you also have an iPhone. I would keep an eye on AcePlayer too - this does a similar job, is universal and is frequently discounted.

donka, you have done it again,thank you, I purchased Buzz Player HD and loaded a couple of Avi films into it, it worked a treat, no more waiting for conversions to take place and I can watch my movies while travelling.
donka, you have done it again,thank you, I purchased Buzz Player HD and loaded a couple of Avi films into it, it worked a treat, no more waiting for conversions to take place and I can watch my movies while travelling.

No problem. Buzz Player HD is actually the one I use the most on my iPad. The reason I recommend this and GoodPlayer is because not only are the solid movie players and well supported by their developers, they also include streaming functionality so you can stream your movies from a computer or NAS without the need to copy them to the iPad.

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