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Awesome iPad Finger Painting Video!


iPadForums News Team
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Check out this amazing video of New York artist David Kassan using his iPad, the Brushes app and his fingers to create art. Mac World says that Kassan had originally intended simply to use his iPad as a digital portfolio, but was very impressed by how the Brushes app looked on the iPad's screen, and therefore started using it to paint.

"Working in the New York summer sunlight with subjects like Brice here, is like an artist out in the open with his canvas and paints. Brushes is a great app to work with," Kassan told Mac World.

Kassan's work has been highlighted and brought to the public's attention by celebrity Apple fan, British comedian Stephen Fry, and Kassan took the opportunity to thank him for promoting his work, as well as saying that he hopes to meet Fry one day and paint his portrait on his iPad.

Source: Mac World

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