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back up pdfs and other files outside of itunes


iPF Noob
made the mistake of starting off with my ipad 2 by building files through emailing pdf not itunes. using either ibooks or good reader and others if various files didnt open in either of those. if i replicate this will erase all that of the above. is there a 3rd party resource that can save most of these so i can upgrade to io 5? it might be simpler to just start over again with a new ipad( or windows os). some of these files will only print not export to another app.
using both ibooks and good reader. if i replicate with itunes to upgrade it will clear everything out because it was brought in by email or download from websites not itunes.
Kenf said:
using both ibooks and good reader. if i replicate with itunes to upgrade it will clear everything out because it was brought in by email or download from websites not itunes.

I've never lost documents from within Goodreader or iBooks if I backup before upgrading, AFAIK. And I never sync documents to Goodreader by iTunes, either from my NAS or Dropbox.

Someone that knows 100% can confirm, but I've never lost app data when restoring from a back-up made immediately before upgrading. OTA updates do not effect app data at all.

BTW, you would be upgrading to iOS 6 because that is the current version, not 5.
why not connect your ipad to pc and transfer your pdf to the pc and when you need it you just transfer back the pdf to the ipad its easy no hassle :thumbs:
why not connect your ipad to pc and transfer your pdf to the pc and when you need it you just transfer back the pdf to the ipad its easy no hassle :thumbs:

I'm new to the forum, desperately trying to get an answer to what seems a simple question.

I have an App on my ipad 2 which creates .AVI files.
I understand that iOS can increase its stability by fire-walling the files within the app.
The app is quite happy to play them.

How do I get the files onto my PC?
iTunes can't find them and I've wasted money on 'file managers' Apps which turn out to be no more than iTunes emulators.

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When you have your iPad connected to iTunes, go to the Apps tab (across the top). At the bottom of the tab should be a list of all the apps that can interact with iTunes so you can drag on/off any of the apps data to your computer. Is your app there? If it's not, can you tell us what app you are using? Maybe someone here has that app [also] and can help you get those .avi files to your computer.


When you have your iPad connected to iTunes, go to the Apps tab (across the top). At the bottom of the tab should be a list of all the apps that can interact with iTunes so you can drag on/off any of the apps data to your computer. Is your app there? If it's not, can you tell us what app you are using? Maybe someone here has that app [also] and can help you get those .avi files to your computer.


I have found a program for my PC called Syncios. I have managed to create an .ipa file with data inside (hooray!)

The problem is getting the data out. Everything I read about the extraction of data from .ipa files says its just a zip file, so change the extension and unzip it.

Trouble is it is always errored as containing no files.

Would I be right in thinking that the fact the .ipa file is 2gb (yes GB) is the problem?
The embedded files are .avi files


I've found the files.
They have been backed up by iTunes but are not easy to find.

They are in C:\Users\Xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup, but are the anonymous file type, gobblydeegook file names.

I have added .avi to the end of files which look hopeful, and try to play them.

Obviously very laborious, but I'm just grateful I've found them.
I can convert and upload the ones I want as normal videos and clear out the app
I've found the files.
They have been backed up by iTunes but are not easy to find.

They are in C:\Users\Xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup, but are the anonymous file type, gobblydeegook file names.

I have added .avi to the end of files which look hopeful, and try to play them.

Obviously very laborious, but I'm just grateful I've found them.
I can convert and upload the ones I want as normal videos and clear out the app
I have found a program called iTools which runs on Windows and Mac.

Not only can you access the data files, they have the same filenames as those in the App

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