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Battery life after jailbreak


iPF Noob
Is anyone noticing a significant loss of battery life since the jailbreak? I think my ipad2 may be a little heavier on battery but I am putting it down to tweaks like intelliscreenX because of its data usage. My iPhone 4s however has only been jailbroken with out tweaks or cydia apps and it seems to be really chewing through my battery.
The jailbreak itself has not effect on battery.

However, the more tweaks you put on there the more battery you will use. It's simple logic. Tweaks run in the background doing their thing, chewing up CPU cycles and draining your battery. If you install old or badly coded tweaks, or particularly complex themes with widgets, you should expect to see worse battery life than before you had any of that additional stuff installed.
And it could also be the extra amount of time you spend tweaking your iPad after a jailbreak. We all do it, guilty as charged yer 'onour
My battery life was terrible after the jailbreak and all I installed was SBSettings. With my phone idle (screen off), it would drain about 10% an hour.

I did a restore to remove the jailbreak and I'm now back to draining about 1%-2% an hr.

EDIT: Forgot to add that this is on an iPhone 4S
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I'll turn off WiFi only on my iPhone 4 tonight, leave it off the charger, and report back tomorrow morning what it does. I don't have a lot of themes or tweeks, but do have SBS, MyWi, and a few other things. I've only had 5.0.1 and the JBs on the pad and phone for a couple of days and haven't taken the time (or even thought about) trying to measure the comparitive batter drain. Thanks for the suggestion.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
Bingoldsby said:
I'll turn off WiFi only on my iPhone 4 tonight, leave it off the charger, and report back tomorrow morning what it does. I don't have a lot of themes or tweeks, but do have SBS, MyWi, and a few other things. I've only had 5.0.1 and the JBs on the pad and phone for a couple of days and haven't taken the time (or even thought about) trying to measure the comparitive batter drain. Thanks for the suggestion.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF

As offered above, I left both the iPad and the iPhone - fully charged - off the charger for the night (8 full hours). When I got up this morning the phone was still at 100% and the iPad was at 98%.

The phone had location services ON, but only for two services which had not requested a location in that period. The iPad also has location services ON, and both had location requests in the 24 hour period (Free WiFi finder and Maps).

So, I have to say that the quiescent battery draw on both my devices is VERY LOW.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF￿￿
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