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JB battery life?


iPF Noob
Just a quick question here. I've jail broken all of my iPhones in the past numerous times for all kinds of reasons, and am thinking about doing so for my iPad as well. The only issue I ever had with my iPhones was that battery life seemed to significantly drop. After a restore to factory OS and settings, it would always be back to normal.

Has anybody noticed a significant drop in battery life on their iPad since jailbreaking?

Like I said, my history with jail breaking iPhones has usually resulted in shorter battery life. I have no warranty violation fears or anything like that because I've had my iPhone serviced after just restoring to original OS - no, they can't tell. Just wondering about battery life :)

Thanks for any info!
Nope, I've never had this problem either! Maybe its one of the packages you installed from Cydia that was draining your battery
As matt pointed out, turning off the iPad (and iPhone for that matter) radios is the best way to conserve battery. When I'm at home I turn off the 3g radio and vice versa
Jailbreaking does make certain things run in the background, like if you have SBSettings for example. It doesn't make that big of a noticeable difference on the iPad though. It definitely is noticeable on an iPhone.

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