iPF Noob
Battery life is draining at 3times the speed as normal since I jail broke my ipad 1 wifi (4.2.1) using green poison
Please help anyone?
Please help anyone?
You need to tell us what Cydia applications you have installed. The jailbreak itself does NOTHING to the battery consumption. It is ALWAYS a symptom of something you have installed which is usually not compatible with the iPad. You need to list out what you have installed and we will see if we can help. OK?
SweetPoison said:Great post. I learned something today!
Oops said:Not sure if this will help...
A month or 2 back I JB'ed my mates iPhone 4 and he experienced the same issue... The battery was draining super fast.
I took the phone home with me and started sifting through endless amount of complaints about this and finally came to a solution... It appears that after the JB, if you have an exchange mail account added on with the options to sync email, contacts and calendar..... The contacts option is the issue. All I had to do was deactivate the contacts sync and tadaa... Battery stopped draining like crazy.
Not sure if it may the same issue on the iPad... Hope it helps.
seanbediako said:, it seems like anything and everything I install from Cydia f's up my iPad. My iPad has been jail broken for about a month now and I have paid for around 4 Cydia apps and installed them and removed them again almost instantly. I only brought the apps as advised by f4780y on his ultimate tweaks list and still most of the free themes I can't find once I install them and the anything else drains my battery life. Ive gained nothing by jb'ing my iPad. Ultimately all I wanted was to be able to download free movies and tunes and bypass flash online.
I installed the free action menu and that's the only difference from my list of apps above. Please help!. Even writing on this blog is killing my battery!