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Best app for saving a web page as a pdf?

Hi, thanks, but I cannot get it to work.
I get 'safari Cannot open the page because the address is invalid'.
I re did your instructions 3 times, and took out the space.
Any help would be appreciated,
Are you talking about saving a web page as a PDF? Because I just tested it and it works fine. The JavaScript is:


*And I removed the space already, so all you have to do is paste the above into your URL field (when editing the book mark).

I don't really know how to tell you any different, especially after you've said you followed the steps. Maybe you've run across a web site that just won't work to convert. Did you try another to see?

Sorry not to be of more help - I just can't duplicate the error.

Hi again,
Thanks for taking time to reply. Sorry to sound like a dumbo, but I re did it and got 'page not found'.
I am stumped, and have had macs for many years
Thx tho'. J
I followed your instruction but page not found always pop out..
Thank you for your help
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Buy icab mobile, it's the best browser ever made for iPad, you can save any page on PDF, and a LOT of other stuff, hope you like it :)
Came here by a Google search. I know it's an old thread but will post anyway.
The bookmarklet works great with webpages that are not behind https. I was going to print a Gmail message and this method did not work.
I guess I have to try one of the PDF printers or iCab browser.

Thanks anyway.
That was really very interesting. I would like to have complete details about all these latest updates. Please anyone experienced or having information about these share for me. Thanks in advance.

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