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Best apps for working with PDF, Excel and Word files?


iPF Noob
Just got my iPad and so far I'm very impressed with it. First Apple product I've purchased.

How do you get files on to it? Again, be patient with me as it's my first Apple product, but I know that you use iTunes to get Music and Videos - and I have downloaded iBooks and have purchase two books already.

I typicall work with PDF, Excel and Word docs, so what Apps to I need to think about purchasing? And along with that, I need to come to understand how you get files to it.

Take a look at the iWork apps, they are 9.99 each. I use ms offfice at work, I have not missed or lost functionality except maybe a couple of fonts. For PDF I went with ipdf. Welcome to the forum, u will love it. Everyone is great and very helpful.
For the PDFs goodreader for ipad is incredible. I don't use word or excel so I can't comment on those.

Are you just wanting to access your docs to read, or do you need to edit them and then share them also?
GoodReader for iPad - Sale $0.99 Great Value

GoodReader for iPad

If you're familiar with our iPhone version of GoodReader, then you'll love this iPad edition.

★★★ USB File Transfer on iPads is now officially implemented by Apple in iTunes!!! GoodReader offers full support for Apple's USB File Transfer ★★★

Congratulations! You've found the one and only Good Reader app for iPad! If you need to read huge PDF, or TXT files, you've come to the right place.

Within moments of downloading GoodReader, you'll be transferring files directly from your computer over a Wi-Fi connection, from the Internet or from email attachments. It also easily integrates with MobileMe iDisk, Google Docs, Dropbox, box.net, and other popular servers.

With the PDF Reflow feature, reading your documents is a pleasure because it extracts pure text from PDF files and automatically wraps words. This amazing feature fits all of the text to your screen perfectly. That means you never have to scroll left and right to read the text.

With no bars or buttons blocking the text, you have true full screen reading. The PDF hyperlink feature allows you to quickly jump back and forth within the document. Tapping a link will whisk you across a huge PDF book in an instant, and the "Go Back" button takes you back to the page you came from. If you already know what you're looking for, the Text Search feature helps you find your way to the exact info you want in any PDF or TXT file. You can even use the 50x zoom, which gives you a better view, without distorting the image. That makes it perfect for viewing PDF maps or drawings.

GoodReader supports massive PDF and TXT files, but it can also handle all of the most popular file types. Have a look for yourself:
• MS Office - .doc, .ppt, .xls and more
• iWork'08/'09
• HTML and Safari webarchives
• High resolution images
• It even does audio and video!

With GoodReader on your iPad, you can read virtually anything, anywhere. Books, movies, maps, pictures; GoodReader puts it all in a single app, right in your pocket. From the very first time you use it, GoodReader is sure to be the most used app you will ever buy.

Stay tuned, because we're always developing something new for GoodReader.

And by popular request - all extra features are free in this version of GoodReader! No extra charging. Fully functional for the listed price.

Visit our web-site:
goodiware.com :: products

What's new

● added support for inter-app Document Sharing: other apps (including stock Mail app) can open their files in GoodReader; GoodReader can open its files in other apps which support Document Sharing
● minor user interface improvements
I got the Goodreader App and as the name tell us it is just a reader. I'd like to know if you suggest any good application to edit excel files. I have to use one file as simulator and I need to edit it all the time to get "x" result...

I think Numbers do that but if you know another one cheaper or better please let me know :)
Take a look at the iWork apps, they are 9.99 each. I use ms offfice at work, I have not missed or lost functionality except maybe a couple of fonts. For PDF I went with ipdf. Welcome to the forum, u will love it. Everyone is great and very helpful.

Are you using Pages?

Is it working with Office 2010?
Take a look at the iWork apps, they are 9.99 each. I use ms offfice at work, I have not missed or lost functionality except maybe a couple of fonts. For PDF I went with ipdf. Welcome to the forum, u will love it. Everyone is great and very helpful.

Are you using Pages?

Is it working with Office 2010?

I have pages, and I will say it is awesome. I have already done an entire 5 page research paper on it, and numerous other homework assignments using it. All You do after making the document is send it as an email or upload it to a website and you can orient it from there. It's basically Microsoft word, but a fraction of the cost.
I have Pages but much prefer Office HD and use it in conjunction with Dropbox (I move all my files with Dropbox, never in Itunes-many apps work with Dropbox). Goodreader is terrific and also works nicely with Dropbox. Others like Docs to Go but I don't have any experience with it.

Diane B
I use Docs To Go with great success.

If you are looking for a program to become like a binder of PDF files I recommend readdledocs. I'm a salesperson and use that for all my literature. Its linkable with dropbox and others.

If you want a program to annotate PDF files I recommend iAnnotate.
For PDF viewing and marking up of PDF files (writing notes onto a PDF file, for example), Good Reader is the clear choice.

I use a combination of Pages and Quick Office HD for excel, doc, and ppt file viewing/editing. When writing essays, articles, etc. I like the feel and flow of Pages over Quick Office HD. I find it easier to type documents in Pages than pretty much anything else. I do love the dropbox feature and integration with other cloud services that Quick Office HD has to offer, and their filesystem makes it easy to move and organize files and documents on the iPad. I use Quick Office HD primarily whenever I need to make or edit excel documents.

Numbers and Keynote (the spreadsheet and presentation apps from Apple) have peaked my interest now that they support exporting to Microsoft excel and PowerPoint files directly from the apps, although I haven't taken the plunge and purchased them quite yet.
I have Pages and Numbers and really like both. I think Keynote could definitely use some improvement. I also use drop box and google docs.
Hi, I just read all your comments above and have come to the conclusion that there is no way, except Quick Office HD, that I can open an excel spreadsheet that I emailed to myself from my macbook and then edit it on my iPad? Is this an accurate assumption?

Hi, I just read all your comments above and have come to the conclusion that there is no way, except Quick Office HD, that I can open an excel spreadsheet that I emailed to myself from my macbook and then edit it on my iPad? Is this an accurate assumption?


Well. There are are multiple office type apps other than quick office HD. Another one is called Docs To Go.
Hi, I just read all your comments above and have come to the conclusion that there is no way, except Quick Office HD, that I can open an excel spreadsheet that I emailed to myself from my macbook and then edit it on my iPad? Is this an accurate assumption?


Another is Office HD which I use all the time. Any of these three should open an Excel attachment. When one of them is installed you will find a small dialog box in your email which says 'open with' and you choose the app. You can also move it with Dropbox (free for 2GB). I prefer using Dropbox to emailing docs, pdfs, etc to myself.
I have to put my vote in for Documents to Go Premuim. Not only does it allow the editing of Office documents and viewing PDFs, it allows the use of different cloud services, including Google Docs, DropBox, Box.net, iDisk, Public iDisk, and SugarSync. You can also sync directly to the PC with a desktop client.

Apples Office equiv costs $30 total, where DocsToGo Premium costs $16.

For PDFs, either iBooks (free), DocsToGo ($16) or GoodReader ($.99?). No matter what, iBooks and GoodReader should be on the iPad. It is just that neither will allow editing.

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