iPF Noob
Great question!! It's good to know I'm not the only one driven mad by names which don't have any obvious meaning and which nobody ever bothers to explain. "Dropdav" falls into the same category as POP, LAN and other idiotic and infuriatingly obscure acronymsWhat is a dropdav account?

It isn't too difficult to guess what "Dropbox" is, as it is a sensible name. But "Dropdav"? How is anyone supposed to work out what that is? I mean, what could "DAV" possibly stand for?
It can't be because it was invented by someone called Dave, or it would be called "DropDave". Except he would almost certainly have called it something less derogatory to himself, such as "Dave's Plunger", or "Plonker". However, those don't quite roll off the tongue in a way likely to lead to record-breaking sales of the product.
Perhaps instead it was invented by someone who had a major disagreement with a work colleague called Dave, but he couldn't spell properly so instead of dropping Dave from his team, he dropped Dav. That doesn't really sound too likely, and why name your product after someone you've had a fight with, unless the product is obviously no good? "FireDave" might have worked, though...
But let's assume it has nothing to do with anyone called Dave. What then could it be? The "Drop" part of it is obvious, but what about "Dav"? What could it stand for? I have no idea, but some possibilities which might fit are:
Definitely ain't vapor
Dumb a$$ version
Digesting awkward vegetables
Disorder and violence
Disappointingly abstruse verbiage
Disorganised and vague
Dukes and Viscounts
Debauchery and vice
Drown all villains
Dump and vanish
However, those don't quite have the ring of true authenticity, let alone the diamond-like brilliance of a truly inspired name.
Anyone else want to take a shot at it?