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As i have previously stated the mania and pandemonium are over. The WiFi only was the products initial introduction to the consumer. The 3G is just an upgrade. 90% of the gotta have it maniacs got satisfied on April 3rd. I don't see Friday as resembling anything like the original launch day.
Maybe, but I know of people who went to see the wifi model that held out for the 3G. Those people did not preorder and can't anymore in time for the deadline. So they'll be waiting in line because they're not too sure there will be a great supply or 3Gs available ... :shrug:
I want to get the 3G VERSION, but I have learned that all good things comes to those who wait. Patience! In 45 Days there will be so many Ipads at Best Buy's and Apple store's you will have no problems just walking in and picking one up. The Ipad is just another new device that is probably not replacing anyone's critical PC or MAC at home or work. Waiting another 30-45 days will also flush out any problems with the 3G unit. To satisfy your hunger go to an Apple store or Best Buy and play with a demo unit a couple a times each week. In addition you may find that you really didn't want or need an Ipad to begin with and saved yourself $650.00. I also believe that you will start to see Used Ipads being sold on Ebay and Craigs list 60-90 days from now for 30-40% less than MSRP.

Just my 2cents.......comments:)

While you may be, to some extent correct, I would image you're psychological goal here is to make yourself feel better since tomorrow all of us will be using our 3G's - and you won't.
I want to get the 3G VERSION, but I have learned that all good things comes to those who wait. Patience! In 45 Days there will be so many Ipads at Best Buy's and Apple store's you will have no problems just walking in and picking one up.

Just my 2cents.......comments:)
You're forgetting the fact that the rest of the world has not yet had the chance to get their hungry paws on the iPad. Me included. Overstock won't be an option for a loooong time; a worse case scenario than that of the iPhone.
With the iPhone, phone companies were not ready everywhere to offer services. Now they are, and so are the "would be" iPad owners...
I want to get the 3G VERSION, but I have learned that all good things comes to those who wait. Patience! In 45 Days there will be so many Ipads at Best Buy's and Apple store's you will have no problems just walking in and picking one up.

Just my 2cents.......comments:)
You're forgetting the fact that the rest of the world has not yet had the chance to get their hungry paws on the iPad. Me included. Overstock won't be an option for a loooong time; a worse case scenario than that of the iPhone.
With the iPhone, phone companies were not ready everywhere to offer services. Now they are, and so are the "would be" iPad owners...

Latest count right now is, what, a million of these things sold? Estimates are for 5 to 6 million to be sold during the next year. We won't see a glut in supplies and we won't see price reductions until the end of the year at the very earliest - and more likely when the nextgen models are released.
Self Control over Self Indulgence

No it's just a matter of self control and not being an Apple Lemming....got to have it now cause tomorrow I will die if I don't get one....:)

By the way will be like the other 150 million + people in the US without
an Ipad..so what!

I have a Mac Book Pro and an Imac...didn't have to wait for either one....
I'll still be getting my iPad 3G today, but I have to vent about Best Buy for a second. I have been calling/going in and talking to the employees at my Best Buy for the last week asking about the iPad 3G release. None of them ever knew anything about it, one said they didn't come out until JUNE, and etc etc. I figured oh well, they'll find out soon enough when they're handing them to people on the 30th.

Finally, this morning, I called over there to check, and they said that they are in fact not selling the 3G iPads today, launch day. I asked them if they knew when they were going to sell them and the rep said they had no idea.

Alright. Time to start calling other Best Buys. Finally found one about 2 hours away that was handing out vouchers since open. So I grabbed a soda and my Macbook, got in my car, and away I went, GPS leading the way. I got the very last voucher, and fortunately it was for the exact model I wanted (32GB).

The Apple rep at this store seemed shocked my local Best Buy wasn't selling them, so he called up there to confirm, and they told him they were selling them today. So basically I wasted a day's worth of driving and waiting for no reason. :mad: Best Buy sucks, but at least I'm going to be getting a 3G today, which totally makes up for any inconvenience!
Well, it's not 5pm on the East Coast yet. I called my local BB earlier today and their automated answering machine states they were out of all iPad versions including 3G. When I spoke to a rep, I asked how could that be if they weren't supposed to start selling them until 5pm (I was just curious). She advised "we just put that on the answering machine so I don't have to field so many calls today. We won't start selling them until 5pm.". Geesh! Anyway, she was not at liberty to tell me how many iPads they received.

I'm interested in the 3G model and may gift my wi-fi to someone in the family. This assumes AT&T performance is good ;). Based on the very few comments I've seen so far, it looks good.

Congrats to all of you new iPad owners!
My best buy only selling 64 gig 3g

Called my local Best Buy and they have a line already and are selling only 64gig 3G..they have only 5-10 Ipads...Guess I'll have to check out Apple Store Tomorrow or next week...or order on line I want the 16 gig or 32 gig 3g...64 gig 3g is $900 with tax is little ridiculous:mad:
I called the Kennesaw GA BB yesterday and was told that they would not have the 3G model for sale. I didn't really believe that, so I called back after lunch today and was told they were selling them starting at 5 pm, and there was no line at the store. I had a coworker call and confirm the same. I arrived at Best Buy at 4:55 today and saw 3-4 other people scurrying into the store. The line was about 20 people long. I was asked wwhich model i wanted and got The 10th (last) 32gb unit.
The whole wait in line / purchase process was about 20 minutes.
Got to my BB at 1600 and was #2 in line. They only got 5 and they were all 64G. I gave my voucher to an Airman still in his flight suit and headed on in to the city to Apple. I got there at 1705 and was out of there at 1745.

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