I'll still be getting my iPad 3G today, but I have to vent about Best Buy for a second. I have been calling/going in and talking to the employees at my Best Buy for the last week asking about the iPad 3G release. None of them ever knew anything about it, one said they didn't come out until JUNE, and etc etc. I figured oh well, they'll find out soon enough when they're handing them to people on the 30th.
Finally, this morning, I called over there to check, and they said that they are in fact not selling the 3G iPads today, launch day. I asked them if they knew when they were going to sell them and the rep said they had no idea.
Alright. Time to start calling other Best Buys. Finally found one about 2 hours away that was handing out vouchers since open. So I grabbed a soda and my Macbook, got in my car, and away I went, GPS leading the way. I got the very last voucher, and fortunately it was for the exact model I wanted (32GB).
The Apple rep at this store seemed shocked my local Best Buy wasn't selling them, so he called up there to confirm, and they told him they
were selling them today. So basically I wasted a day's worth of driving and waiting for no reason.

Best Buy sucks, but at least I'm going to be getting a 3G today, which totally makes up for any inconvenience!