iPAD2 a solid upgrade
I got to play with the iPad 2 yesterday at BestBuy. They have a display set up with the iPad and the iPad2 side by side so you can compare them. Nice.
Unfortunately they had no internet service...no 3G or wifi. So no way to really compare browser speeds. What few programs they did have installed though I found to run very similar between the two devices. The iPad2 is thinner and lighter, but not enough to make me impressed. If I did not already know it was thinner and lighter I may not have even noticed it.
Bottom line...I walked out of BestBuy with my new screen glare protector for my iPad and no urge to upgrade. I also told others who where checking them out about the $100 discount on the iPad and saw no one buying or signing up for iPad2. It seemed like there was no real interest in the new device. Just curiosity at best.
If totally sold out, standing in long lines all over the country, and you state there was no real interest ... you need to wake up and review what happened over the weekend... my friend. This was a brilliant strategic move on Apple's part competitively and it shows they are winning the marketplace over.
iPAD is very good ... iPAD2 is a solid upgrade.
Because of security in the big stores like BBY, they are tethered ... so you have to fight the cable. The best demo is when you can sit down in a chair, relax and hold the iPAD2 in one hand ... that is when the 33% thinner new one shines... it also is a little lighter, but those two factors are important when reading... beit on the internet, books, magazines, whatever is on your screen. Screen resolution is identical, but performance is up considerably. Safari has been sped up in iOS4.3 and while data transfer via the internet will be about the same, page reloads, tab browsing, etc will be noticably faster. Graphic support is up to 9x times faster, but in the real world is more like 7x... but that is significant. Two new programs, GarageBand, and iMovie need that upgrade. The gaming community will really go for that upgrade ... believe me... the new 3D gyro will have them drooling.
The dual cameras open up the world or video/audio telecommunications ... video conferencing. The cameras are not great for still ... that was not the key goal, it is okay for video conferencing via FaceTime particularly. The speakers are much better.
The new cover is slick in my opinion. The fact it can also be a support in Landscape for watching hand free is convenient. Protecting the display is important IMO. Lots of comments on this one.
For those who want to save $100 go for it with the original model... there will some of the original 15 million first round buyers that will upgrade and readily sell ... some deals are to be had. The rest of us want the added features and performance and easy of handling and holding.
I have ordered on-line for ours (present for bride) ... I won't stand in long lines ... we'll get ours. It isn't like I don't have a computer... but we travel, and the iPAD2 will be a perfect companion... we particular like the long battery life... BTW it is slightly longer in the new ipad.
There you have my take and view. Good Luck and enjoy