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Best Note Taking App For iPad, iPhone, And iPod Touch PhatPad

jenny10 said:
Looking for a solution that rivals One note. Ideally would import my existing one note notes.

Would like the ability to:
* write text, draw, include photos, audio.
* have multiple folders/notebooks however you term it
* search across notes, sections, folders, etc
* option of sharing notes
* sync possibly - either with a client on laptop or with one note

Not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but Mobilenoter for iPad syncs with OneNote
& it's free!

Hope that helps
Looking for a solution that rivals One note. Ideally would import my existing one note notes.

Would like the ability to:
* write text, draw, include photos, audio.
* have multiple folders/notebooks however you term it
* search across notes, sections, folders, etc
* option of sharing notes
* sync possibly - either with a client on laptop or with one note

Notability can accommodate all of your requests.
*It can text (multiple fonts, size, colors, outline) and include pictures, web images, or hand drawings with the text wrapping around. It also links audio recordings with text so later click on a word and it will take you there in the audio recording.
*Organize by multiple subjects with the ability to search across them
*Export notes in multiple formats with or without audio. Edit later on your computer if you wish.
*Batch export with cloud services or itunes

Depending on what file type OneNote's can be exported in will depend whether you could import them into Notability.

Hope this helps address some questions.

If you have any questions please feel free to let me know. fyi I am a Notability employee.
Hal05154 said:
I vote for Audionote.

I think it's best used with a keyboard.

Records lectures and timestamps when you write something in the note.

You can draw on it, and type under the drawing. Or freehand write.

note can be email when your done.

So far so good. I love it.

I just purchased AudioNote. Do I need a stylus to do handwriting?
gaylerediske said:
I just purchased AudioNote. Do I need a stylus to do handwriting?

It depends on you really?

I personally have a stylus on stand by for my audio note app or my sketchbook app.
If you feel more comfortable using a stylus rather than your finger be my guest.
Long story short if I were you I would invest in a stylus. I got my stylus from best buy for about 20 dollars. Im pretty sure you can find them cheaper like at marshall's or staples.
Haven't tried many, coming from android, so recommend evernote. It syncs to there website so your notes are available across multiple platforms and devices.

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