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Best note taking app for iPad

I realize it is quite expensive at $29.95, however, just curious what anyone in this thread thinks about Circus Ponies' NoteBook 3.0 for the iPad [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB1mB8TY_lU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB1mB8TY_lU[/ame]
ginopiazza49 said:
I realize it is quite expensive at $29.95, however, just curious what anyone in this thread thinks about Circus Ponies' NoteBook 3.0 for the iPad Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB1mB8TY_lU

I actually tried it and didn't like it at all. However, apparently the app is available on the MAC as well, so if you have a MAC and are used to it, maybe it would be worth it.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but again, Notability seems to offer most of the features of the CP Notebook (multiple fonts, font sizes, outline mode, etc) but seems to be a lot easier to use. CP Notebook seems to have a lot of features that I'd never use, making it more complicated that I would like.

For $29.99, they should at least offer a trial version or something though!
I've found the Notability app interesting as an outlining tool for typed notes, although for handwritten notes it's kind of a pain to have to insert a text box each time you want to write something on a different area of the page.

As for handwriting apps, I'm disappointed in the flashing and jitters I get when I write in the close-up handwriting boxes in Notes Plus and Note Taker (just bought this weekend after the newest update was published). Both have a lot of functionality, but seem a few steps behind for handwriting compared to Penultimate and uPad.

To me, the ultimate app would include uPad's handwriting engine, pens, highlighters and PDF markup, Notes Plus' UI, file management and customer-engaging developer, and Note Taker's image/graphics handling and the ability to select and move sections of handwritten text.

If I took typewritten notes, Notability would be of interest - especially for its outlining capabilities.
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ginopiazza49 said:
I realize it is quite expensive at $29.95, however, just curious what anyone in this thread thinks about Circus Ponies' NoteBook 3.0 for the iPad Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB1mB8TY_lU

I have used Notebook on my Mac for a while now - I always thought it was an innovative program with an excellent idea driving it - the "notebook" UI idea was quite new when it was released. The developer is fantastic & has some very loyal customers. I was really looking forward to the app.

HOWEVER. If you go to the CircusPonies website & check the forums, there are pages and pages of complaints about the app. I would put it on the 'maybe later' pile & check in sometime in the future - it's definitely a no-go in its present state.
ajstan99 said:
To me, the ultimate app would include uPad's handwriting engine, pens, highlighters and PDF markup, Notes Plus' UI, file management and customer-engaging developer, and Note Taker's image/graphics handling and the ability to select and move sections of handwritten text.


I agree - at the moment it is a constant tradeoff - I am jumping between a handful of apps & none of them are 'exactly' what I am looking for. For me it comes down to UI, file management & graphics capabilities. I need something I can 'throw' everything into, resize, type over, highlight, annotate and handwrite on. The apps that do this have clunky UI's & questionable file management.

One of the reasons I was also looking forward to CP Notebook is that it offers PDF embedding - this is also on the wish list as I use a lot of PDFs & have to use yer another app to deal with those.

We are a long way from having options like are offered on our lap/desktops by the look of things & as threads such as this testify to. I am happy to keep looking & supporting developers with purchases - apps are very cheap right? But, for the record, I would HAPPILY pay $37.99 for an app that met all of my needs - it would be a steal to have something that really allowed me to use the iPad as a true productivity device. At the moment I am
Leapfrogging around & productive isn't the word that springs to mind.
I've just bought note maker hd v5 after reading this and it's fantastic. Everything I've been looking for, so I urge you to take a look if you're after a great notetaker. Check it out on you tube.


Note taker HD was one of the first apps I bought. I do not use it much because it works much better if you use a finger than it does with a stylus. You have to write pretty big, and even with the wrist guard turned on, I still got lots of marks all over the 'paper'.

I find Penultimate the best so far, out of the half dozen or so that I have bought. Still not as good as the note-taking capabilities of a Tablet pc, but it won't keep me from trying to find the definitive note taking. App for iPad.
jollywa said:
Note taker HD was one of the first apps I bought. I do not use it much because it works much better if you use a finger than it does with a stylus. You have to write pretty big, and even with the wrist guard turned on, I still got lots of marks all over the 'paper'.

I find Penultimate the best so far, out of the half dozen or so that I have bought. Still not as good as the note-taking capabilities of a Tablet pc, but it won't keep me from trying to find the definitive note taking. App for iPad.

That's pretty surprising to me, I use it with a stylus and its one of the most responsive apps I've used with it, especially in edit 2 mode.
I really appreciate everyone's contributions to this thread. I tried out UPad lite edition for free to check out its inking capabilities, and I was blown away compared to other free apps. If what you are interested in is a no-lag free-hand input, UPad does the job. It also has a note-taker-hd-like interface of entering free hand input into a box that automatically shifts to the right and down.

I want to start a Google Spreadsheet that compares the various apps discussed here and their attributes to help make a buying decision easier. Any thoughts on attributes that should be included? Also, is Google Spreadsheets the best way to do this so that others can edit it (with my permission) and we can get a useful summary of the pros / cons of the various apps?

I really like Notability so I follow news about it as it continues to develop a very strong following among iPad users.

Notability is by far my favorite note taking app.I was surprised to read the message about Notability which I have included below that shows Apple as having just picked it for their own use!


Apple provides Notability for iPad to its 600 EDU reps
Ginger Labs Blog
We’re happy to announce that Apple is providing Notability for iPad to its 600 education reps. Apple recognizes that Notability is a great choice for students and provides an effective means for them to learn. When students can increase their focus while a teacher is presenting, without the worry of missing critical information, they will be far more productive in and out of the classroom.

Notability supports this in unique ways:

- typing is faster for most students than writing and it gives them the flexibility to use an external keyboard.

- outlining features provide a great way to make brief, organized notes.

- drawing in the figure editor is helpful to remember key points.

- recordings of the class are automatically linked to their notes.

- notes can be transferred to a computer for further editing and returned to Notability for class the next day.

Notability makes it easy to review and edit notes after class. The student simply taps a word to hear the lecture at the moment he/she typed it. Recordings are amplified which is especially nice when made in large lecture halls. The ability to rehear the lecture while adding notes is very important for memory retention and will help students learn rather than simply regurgitate.


If you have less than perfect vision as you get older than dirt then Notabilities feature for larger sized fonts while taking and reading notes helps a lot as the day wears on. The only thing that bugs me is the word PICTURE under inserted graphics and web pages. That is not found in Pages and similar RTF apps, why Notability?

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I'm not positive, but I think you can edit that "Picture" caption so that it says anything you'd like - therefore giving you a nice way to describe what the picture is...
jtrosky said:
I'm not positive, but I think you can edit that "Picture" caption so that it says anything you'd like - therefore giving you a nice way to describe what the picture is...

Well I'll be!

You are absolutely right! That makes this Notability much better!

Let me pass on another simple tip out of appreciation. Many screen shots include the iPad clock at the top, I don't want that in my notes. Goto saved photos, find your image, pinch to zoom, when you get it right take another shot by tapping power and home button at the same time. Insert the new image in your notes then delete the originals to save iPad space. You can do a lot of free 'cropping' with the iOS photo app!

Take a screen shot of a full page PDF and insert that into your notes if needed. Mark it up with GoodReader or iAnnotate first or Notability afterwards.

Take screen shots of Google Maps, crop the top and use Notability to make map cards. Take screen shot of Google Street view, crop and paste. Visit web site that will not let you copy anything, take a screen shot of what you see crop and use as needed. Etc.

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Notability update

Hi All,
Thank you for the continued support and feedback as it helps us tremendously. In the upcoming version of Notability users will have the ability to add a caption under a photo or a figure!
Justin Brock said:
Hi All,
Thank you for the continued support and feedback as it helps us tremendously. In the upcoming version of Notability users will have the ability to add a caption under a photo or a figure!

Whoa - wait a minute - I can already do that in Notability (as can the poster above, apparently). Or do you mean that you plan on expanding that feature?
Justin Brock said:
Hi All,
Thank you for the continued support and feedback as it helps us tremendously. In the upcoming version of Notability users will have the ability to add a caption under a photo or a figure!

Justin it would be nice if you guys could copy some of the ways iAnnotate does their interface, excluding the bizarre file handling feature.
I like being able to hide tool bars for a cleaner interface if needed. I want to see the content I am working with like Apple's Pages.

The ability to lock out the keyboard was a nice start, but you need more.

Here is a tip for those who would like to practice with Notability or possibly Pages over the weekend for creating content using only the iPad.

Create a report about the JAPANESE 8.9 QUAKE AND TSUNAMI that includes still shots of destruction, audio, maps, and additional notes. Use some of the ideas mentioned in earlier posts I have made here about Notability and content creation then add a generous amount of your own ingenuity.

The practice will make you that much better when it comes to the pressure of a classroom or a business project.

There is considerable video footage from AVN/HKN TV on CNN or FOX and on You Tube. that would be a source of audio while you are creating your notes if you use Notability to record it from say your TV playing while you work.

Sendai airport japan is easy to find using the iPad map app. switch to hybrid view then zoom until you recognize the arial view seen from the helicopter video shots. Play around until you have a feel for the area and spot other locations seen in the videos. Take screen shots of what you see (home and power button until photo click).

Play You Tube clips and make screen shots. View news on the web and rip of images by holding a finger on them until the save image dialog pops up. The iPad 2 may add a bunch more options. Use earlier trick mentioned by using the built in Photo app to crop your pictures.

Copy and paste from browser or use Notabilities feature for inserting a web page into your notes.

What happened to the loaded Japanese train or that ferry that disappeared? How many souls could be lost? What was their last know position? Map it.

How extensive is the danger from the two reactors that are overheating? Map it. Add notes about reactor design, pinpoint all reactor locations compare to fault lines, etc.

Add your ideas here...

create a family of notes sorted by subject.

How many options do you have? Which in your opinion is the best way?

Post your observations here to help those who are new to iPad with iPad 2 to get started with the best content creation tools.
Get good enough at it and you could get a job creating content for CNN or FOX which could have done far better job if they had the talent.

The point is. A sharp individual can do a lot with the tools Apple gives you in the app store. The more you use it the faster you get as you can create notes as fast as you can think.

Post your thoughts here to advance the ability of others to use various tools to create notes for their own use.

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