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Best note taking app for iPad

I use Penultimate and really like it. The quality of the writing graphics is way better than any others I've seen/tried.
Take a look at Audionote also. Records meetings or class, timestamps when you type for playback review, and you can write on it.

Its what I am using,

Hal05154 said:
Take a look at Audionote also. Records meetings or class, timestamps when you type for playback review, and you can write on it.

Its what I am using,


I will try this out - you use a stylus with it?
My favorites in this order: Notability, Noteshelf, Notes +, Evernote.

Each app offers something really good. The best app for anyone is likely a matter of personal preference and need.
Notability works great for ME

After reading through 12 pages of "this and that," the concensus is: there is something for everyone.

FWIW, I use Notability. All I need to use is supported within this product, especially using the ability to record meetings supported by bookmarks (OneNote-like).

I find that people take far too many notes, and miss the interaction of meetings, lectures, etc.

For me, I like to enter a meeting, turn on the recorder, and let my terse notetaking interact with the bookmarks in the recorder. Not only does this give me the ability to take a more active role in the meetings; I can always go back to the meeting notes, click on a topic I've written, and the recording takes me right to the point in time that I wrote that particular topic.

If I need to use a stylus to draw diagrams, or to bring in a picture, or a web clip, I click on the option to do so.

I also have the ability to use bulleted or indented sub-points, which I find that I often use.

It's simple, it gets the job done, and the price is right -- for ME!

The only thing that I wish I could do is to be able to convert the recording to an MP3 or WMA file, so I can share recordings such as interviews with others.

If this is what you are looking for, give it a try.
Stylus use for all you Leftys out there

I found that the simplist solution for me to use my stylus as a lefty (yes, I drag my hand across the screen, which can cause much consternation) is to simply place my screen cleaning pad underneath my hand as I write. This allows me to write clearly, my hand sitting on the screen does not affect what I am writing, and I can clean the screen all at the same time!!!

What could be better?
I see nobody has suggested InstaPaper. Well, I'm recommending it (only if you're an all around Apple user). It has worked out for me perfectly when syncing between iPhone and the iPad. I don't think there's one out for the Macs yet, but I'm sure it will.

Check out Notability for a preeminent note taking application which allows you to sync and amplify audio recordings with notes, add pics, web shots, and hand drawn figures. You can easily export and share through dropbox!

For more information check us out at the AppStore on at gingerlabs.com

Coming soon support for iDISK and webDAV!


  • Notability note view.webp
    Notability note view.webp
    11.6 KB · Views: 256
Check out Notability for a preeminent note taking application which allows you to sync and amplify audio recordings with notes, add pics, web shots, and hand drawn figures. You can easily export and share through dropbox!

For more information check us out at the AppStore on at gingerlabs.com

Coming soon support for iDISK and webDAV!

I have recently downloaded Notability & after using most popular note apps in my search for the one that best meets my needs, I am loving it ...BUT ...when I sync to Dropbox & download into Readdle Docs (another favourite & essential as a file manager) .. I was disappointed to receive a "Readdle cannot open/read this file" ... The 'open in' menu also seems limited .. - can only Notability read Notability files or am I doing something wrong here?
shanshuprophecy said:
I have recently downloaded Notability & after using most popular note apps in my search for the one that best meets my needs, I am loving it ...BUT ...when I sync to Dropbox & download into Readdle Docs (another favourite & essential as a file manager) .. I was disappointed to receive a "Readdle cannot open/read this file" ... The 'open in' menu also seems limited .. - can only Notability read Notability files or am I doing something wrong here?

My bad! After posting this i went back & had another go at uploading/emailing/downloading & it worked fine in Readdle. I thi k the audio file is the confusing factor - Readdle treats it as 2 files & my other file manager - GoAruna had no hope at all of dealing with the file - in fact, it can't even delete it properly but I am thinking that says amoretti about GoAruna than Notability.

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