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Best password protection app

1Password. Hands down. Besides, it can sync through dropbox to other devices. I have my work laptop (WinXP), home laptop (MBP, OSX), iPad and iPhone all sync'd up. If you have an iPhone and iPad, the same version will work on both, you dont have to buy 2 copies.
Yes, you will need to install the dropbox app and set up the folders and then install the Windows 1Password app to do the initial sync. You can then remove them both from the windows machine. Using the 30-day trial of 1Password is good enough to set up the sync.
Worth every penny or is that cents? I have it synched to all my devices as well.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
cool, thanks as 49,99 is a lot of dow for such an app

That is for the desktop version. to sync to dropbox, you can download the 30-day free trial, install, sync, and uninstall without paying a cent.

Right now, 1Password Pro (includes iPhone and iPad apps) is on sale for $11.99 (down from $15) Pro is universal, so you do not have to purchase the iPad and iPhone versions separately.
Datavault works with Dropbox or with a free webdav servers that don't require installing anything on your desktop. I like box.net myself but you can use wifi too. It's $10 on Mac or Windows desktop, $10 on iOS, also Universal App, I've got it on iPhone & iPad and love it.
Have used SplashID for years. Syncs to my Windows laptop and my Blackberry via wifi.

Never, never, never give up -- Winston Churchill
Sure, I've been using LassPass for years also on laptop, android phone but today put it on iPad2 only to consistently see this frustrating message "Your settings have restricted you from logging in from this mobile device" but since I've checked and have no idea what setting to change, I'm hoping you might have a suggestion since you successfully use it on your iPad2. Everything else seems to be going fine on this new iPad2 but this is a mystery. Any help appreciated. Thanks Oh, last minute thought, does your
LastPass work on browser Skyfire which I got in hopes that video will play as I had that issue and that browser is said to play videos that need flash to play so I want the LastPass icon to show on that browser but first, I need to get it to open anywhere on
iPad2 !
GlennTX said:

They have an app that runs on just about every mobile device you can think of in addition to PC's and MAC's.

It automatically syncs to all your devices so you never are without your passwords.

Good Luck

Yes, I've used it for years & would be lost without it. I must admit, it took awhile until I figured out its use on my cell, still working on that one but here and on PC, invaluable, especially with my current memory! I highly recommend the LastPass!

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