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Best passwords / security app available

iPadOhana said:
Okay, I pulled the trigger and got the 1Password for my PC and iPad...So far so GREAT!!! and I got it to 'sync' LOVE IT!!!!

hmmmm...the question now is, "Should I pony up more $$ to add it to my iPhone??"

You haven't bought the universal 1Password app? It is the same price as the iPad only.
iPadOhana said:
Okay, I pulled the trigger and got the 1Password for my PC and iPad...So far so GREAT!!! and I got it to 'sync' LOVE IT!!!!

hmmmm...the question now is, "Should I pony up more $$ to add it to my iPhone??"

You haven't bought the universal 1Password app? It is the same price as the iPad only.

I tried to buy both for the $14.99 but it didn't work and I never got a response...Thus, I ended up downloading the iPad version and will do the iPhone version (possibly)...
SplashID works well for me. I use it and sync across platforms - PC, Android Phone, iPad, iPod Touch.

Are you able to sync across all those platforms with one database? I got SpashID for my iphone and it syncs with my desktop, but I can't figure out how to add my ipad to the loop. Help!

SplashID works well for me. I use it and sync across platforms - PC, Android Phone, iPad, iPod Touch.

Are you able to sync across all those platforms with one database? I got SpashID for my iphone and it syncs with my desktop, but I can't figure out how to add my ipad to the loop. Help!


Update...I tried downloading the app on my iPhone and it worked and didn't look like it charged me...I sync'ed it up and voila, all were on my iPhone too...Yes, I can sync all my devices iPad, iPhone and PC...So far working like charm!!!

SplashID works well for me. I use it and sync across platforms - PC, Android Phone, iPad, iPod Touch.

Are you able to sync across all those platforms with one database? I got SpashID for my iphone and it syncs with my desktop, but I can't figure out how to add my ipad to the loop. Help!


Update...I tried downloading the app on my iPhone and it worked and didn't look like it charged me...I sync'ed it up and voila, all were on my iPhone too...Yes, I can sync all my devices iPad, iPhone and PC...So far working like charm!!!


You must have bought the Pro version. It's a universal.

Nice isn't it. Next you'll be adding your credit cards, library card, and all the other info you just might need. I like to keep a note with all my router settings and passwords, just in case I need to set it up again.
Yes, I did. I just expected to have to pay more. But I'm not complaining that it is working on all my devices.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Is it possible to sync passwords across multiple devices.

Let's say you save a password on the iPad, would it also show up on a Windows PC?

I use Msecure and it will do that. I have it installed on my PC and have backed up and restored from my Ipad to my Android phone and vise versa.
I use data vault. It's supposed to wirelessly sync. But you need to be sitting at your pc to click ok to every single option that pops up. Kind of defeats the purpose but I'm happy with it. 5free liscences once you buy one so that's cool. No yearly fee which is also cool. I did like keeper but they slug you with a $39 charge every year!
I wrote to splash data about using it across multiple devices. Got a reply today. They say version 6 will be out in a few weeks and will support the iPad and updating across multiple devices. I've liked this software so I'll be waiting for the update rather than switching to something else.
I use the free version of Keeper on both my iPhone and my iPad. It includes an FTP import/export function that I use to periodically backup my encrypted password file to my pc for backup and also to sync between my iPhone and my iPad. It's a very nice solution for the price - free.
Just wanted to add another 'love' shout-out. Just updated a PW and got is sync'ed instantly on all my devices. So awesome!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Teacher's Pet said:
I like 1 Password a lot. There are several features that I really like, but here are a few reasons why I decided to use 1Password after trying a few different apps. I opted for 1Password Pro because it's a universal app.

I REALLY like the fact that you have a lot of control over how secure or quick and convenient the passwords are. First, there is a master passcode to open the app. Then once you are in you can set up the information to be accessible once you've entered the app. However if you have some really important information you can Add another layer of protection so that even if someone opened the app their is another layer to get through.

I know, why have to remember or enter more than one password for an app that saves you from remembering passwords. Well in my opinion it's a nice feature because you might have one group, such as forums and places without financial information, and then another group for accounts linked to payment processes. The extra level of protection can be added to just the data worth taking the extra step of precaution.

The app can be linked to dropbox and then you can sync your devices. I use this feature because I always have my phone and sometimes don't have my iPad (althouh it's a rare occasion when the iPad isn't latched on to me.)

Many users seem to like the automatic site log in feature that's included in the browser also. You can backup and restore the app with a Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. If you have a Mac, there's a desktop version of the software that will keep things organized and in sync, although I haven't used it and can't give much information in that particular feature.

I have an iPhone4, iPad2 and a Windows7 pc. To the end of syncing passwords on all my devices, I plan to buy 1password pro and use dropbox. Do I need to purchase 1password for Windows also or will dropbox do it all? I've skimmed the instructions for 1password pro and windows using dropbox but I can't tell whether or not to buy both versions of the software. I understand one license per person is required, but I'm not sure if that means only 1pw pro plus dropbox or 1pw for windows also.

Thanks for any help on this.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I have 1Password on my iPad and my PC, both synced to Dropbox.

However, if I remember correctly (before I installed it on my PC), when you link the iPad 1Password version to Dropbox, Dropbox creates a folder called something like "1Password.agilekeychain. Inside that folder is an html link. If you open that link, you are taken to the 1Password sign-in (on the web). You sign in and you can see what is currently in Dropbox/the iPad's 1Password file. I've got my iPad (and PC) on automatic sync, so it's always up to date.

Another nice thing about it is that you can access Dropbox from any web browser and get to that folder or you can access that folder from your PC.

What I'm saying, ultimately, is that you don't have to have both - but I think you do have to pay to have both. It's been so long that I don't remember, sorry. I do like having it on my PC too (as you can use it for browsing and such on the PC and have it auto-linnk to the account/iPad).

Anyway, enough rambling. Hope this helps in some small way.


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