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I have logmein working on my ipad.. I transfer an avi movie from my desktop to my ipad.
When I click on the movie to play on the ipad it says Open with vlc media player? and I click on that and nothing is happening..and yes I do have vlc on my ipad.
Could someone help me out please? I have been using air video but it is a pain to have to convert them all first before watching..

You know, you don't have to convert the movies before you watch them, as long as you are on your Local WiFi. Just play with Live Conversion. It converts it on the fly while streaming the movie.

However you still have to convert the movie if you want to physically have the movie on the iPad for viewing.

I have not personally played with the 'enable access from internet' myself...so not sure on the quality of that...
I want to know how you got LMI to work on your iPad. Unless you have LMI Ignition. I had no luck with LMI free.

You have to buy LMI Ignition for 30$ to use on iPad. I use it all the time for work. It connects to the free installs on PC's you already have....

I bought it for my Android phone as well, but don't use it that much...
speedlever said:
I want to know how you got LMI to work on your iPad. Unless you have LMI Ignition. I had no luck with LMI free.

I think you need Ignition. I love it. No way I'd pay GTMPC prices.
RDP thru VPN

I am looking for an RDP app that I can run on my iPad, so I can RDP to my PC while it is connected to my corporate VPN. Anyone know one that works well?
bsbrady said:
I am looking for an RDP app that I can run on my iPad, so I can RDP to my PC while it is connected to my corporate VPN. Anyone know one that works well?

LMI shouldn't care what clients are running on your PC as long as you have LMI installed on it. I've used free their free RDP clients to access my PC connected to my corporate VPN for many years. Ignition is required to access it via the iPad as there is no free client for the iPad. (Ignition has additional features over the free clients though.)

I suggest you install the free LMI client on your PC connected to your VPN and then access it for free on another PC before purchasing LMI Ignition if you want to be certain it will work.
Ok so I have another question i'm going to be running Splashtop on windows XP i'm told that there will be no sound :( is this true? Is there anything I can do to work my way around this? Is there another app I should use instead of Splashtop?
I posted the solution in the other thread you asked about it in. I'll post again for others benefit
Splashtop does play sound. Set the sound on the desktop streamer to realtek97mono and set to transfer sounds to device.

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Sent from wherever I'm at right now via my Apple tablet
I posted the solution in the other thread you asked about it in. I'll post again for others benefit
Splashtop does play sound. Set the sound on the desktop streamer to realtek97mono and set to transfer sounds to device.

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Sent from wherever I'm at right now via my Apple tablet

Much appreciated thank you very much.

Problem solved.:D
Hey guys. I'm getting a 2011 iMac with an iPad 2 in a week for university next year. I want a remote desktop app but can't decide between iteleport, logmeinignition, and jump desktop. Here are my requirements:

No monthly fee
Must be compatible with the apple Bluetooth keyboard
Must work over wifi and 3G
Must be fast, Probably going to watch hulu on the iPad
Be mac and windows compatible
Be able to turn on my iMac from my iPad or wake it from sleep
Must have sound ~ I am aware jump only has sound in windows so is it possible to log in my bootcamp partition from my iPad in jump?

What I want it be able to do is give me the closest experience to a laptop as possible, so speed is important. Also, my iMac is going to be in my dorm room and I don't want my roommate to see every little thing i do, so is there a way to turn off the screen while I use my remote desktop app.

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The best RDC for the iPad is by far Splashtop®!! Very fluent minimal to NO LAG if at all cheap and no annual subscription. Also works OFF network (ie.. If your in class and need to access your desktop or laptop for a file or whatever the case maybe) This is do-able within this app, It also re-sizes the desktop to native resolution of the iPad so you dont have to Pan, Pinch, Zoom every other gesture. 10/10 for SURE!!! did I mention its only $.99!!!

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