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Best Remote Desktop App

info said:
I wonder if it works well on password protected machines. I just noticed that they raised the price to $9.99.

It worked on my password protected win7 laptop. It was a little flakey during the reboot but exiting, closing out, and then restarting the iPad app made it reconnect with no further issues. I entered the laptop password and the desktop appeared.
Beryl said:
It worked on my password protected win7 laptop. It was a little flakey during the reboot but exiting, closing out, and then restarting the iPad app made it reconnect with no further issues. I entered the laptop password and the desktop appeared.

"I entered the laptop password and the desktop appeared."

I was able to do that once, and then I couldn't get through. I believe it may have been because it took a while for me to update the laptop software. I'll check. Thanks Beryl.
Any update to how you got on?

Did any of your computers time out and logout from logmein?

I'm interested to know myself, I guess leaving the computer on but the monitor off would also work

I purchased and installed LogMeIn on my iPad, and also installed the free apps on my iMac, Win7, XP and Vista virtual and real machines.
It works quite well, except for a few glitches on the Vista real PC. I have VMWare Fusion on my iMac with Win7 and XP virtual machines. If I start everything and have the LogMeIn apps installed on the real Mac and the two virtual Windows machines, I can control any one of them.

The VMWare Tools software conflicts with the LogMeIn software on the Mac so that it is not possible to access the virtual guests from the Mac desktop. It is possible however to access the two virtual machines under separate sessions on the iPad.

It may be normal for the Windows LogMeIn software, but they switch the PC (real or virtual) to a solid colour background instead of a picture when a LogMeIn session is active. They revert to the photo background when the session from the iPad ends.

Sometimes on the real Windows Vista machine the full desktop doesn't display on the iPad. This may also be a display driver conflict on the PC. Sometimes it works ok, such as when I switch to a second Windows user and back.

I'm travelling April 18-22 with just my iPad and with all my home computers left running (iMac, Windows Vista, and 2 virtual machines running under VMWare on the Mac). I will test remote access and report back here in the forums.
Well so far OS X Lion has killed all my Mac remote control apps that I had been using: Pocket Cloud and Splashtop. Tried iTap VNC and it wouldn't work either. The issue is that Lion is now a true multiuser OS now so you must logon to the Mac remotely using user credentials. Simple going in using VNC, or a VNC password, will not work.

I am not sure what the issue is with Splashtop but it only goes to a black screen and on the Mac itself shows it needs attention.

After having no luck with Pocket Cloud I have now used the iOS app Screens to successfully control my Lion Macs. So right now for Mac remote control under Lion, it seems to do the trick.

Honestly Lion has been available in beta for quite some time and it's kind of upsetting that iOS apps that are purchased--not always inexpensively for iOS apps--cannot be used for their intended purpose. From what I am getting it would have been easy tweaks to make them Lion-friendly.

I will be needing to remote access my windows pc from my iPad, I could be gone for a couple of weeks so will need a programe that will not time out on me.

If only I had. Way of booting my pc from my iPad instead of leaving it on

Anyhow - I'm really not sure which would best suite my needs- I will need to access the desktop and use the pcs browser - it may sound a little silly but I need to access certain websites from my home pc and use the stored cookies -

Just don't want to go away and fine out that my logmein, team viewer or other app has timed out and lost connection

Any help will help loads

I tried RemoteTap, VNC Viewer and finally settled on iTap VNC. I've just used them only with my Mac computers - don't have a PC, but I think VNC Viewer and iTap VNC will work with Windows if you install a free VNC program.

RemoteTap is great on an iTouch or iPhone, but they don't have an iPad version. That's why I got VNC Viewer. It works well, but you have to drag around the mouse pointer - can't directly touch where you want to click. That's why I got iTap VNC.

iTap works well, allows direct clicking, and it's got a good refresh rate even with a two monitor set up. I like iTap's controls also. Good mouse simulation for easy scrolling, text selection, left, right and middle clicks. And a good keyboard with access to special keys like command, control, option...

I'm interested in Splashtop to watch hulu videos, but it doesn't support 10.5 Leopard. I'll have to update to Snow Leopard eventually, I guess.
I tried RemoteTap, VNC Viewer and finally settled on iTap VNC. I've just used them only with my Mac computers - don't have a PC, but I think VNC Viewer and iTap VNC will work with Windows if you install a free VNC program.

RemoteTap is great on an iTouch or iPhone, but they don't have an iPad version. That's why I got VNC Viewer. It works well, but you have to drag around the mouse pointer - can't directly touch where you want to click. That's why I got iTap VNC.

iTap works well, allows direct clicking, and it's got a good refresh rate even with a two monitor set up. I like iTap's controls also. Good mouse simulation for easy scrolling, text selection, left, right and middle clicks. And a good keyboard with access to special keys like command, control, option...

I'm interested in Splashtop to watch hulu videos, but it doesn't support 10.5 Leopard. I'll have to update to Snow Leopard eventually, I guess.

When you get Splashtop, maybe post your impressions as to how it compares to the others. I haven't tried iTap, but there are good reviews particularly for the RDP version.

No doubt that Splashtop is excellent; but, I have trouble grabbing window edges to change size (better mouse controls?) and, though I can live with a slight delay over the net, I believe that work (perhaps on my part) is necessary to increase responsiveness there as well. That is not to say that I am not grateful for what we have now. :)
Abs007 said:
I will be needing to remote access my windows pc from my iPad, I could be gone for a couple of weeks so will need a programe that will not time out on me.

If only I had. Way of booting my pc from my iPad instead of leaving it on

Anyhow - I'm really not sure which would best suite my needs- I will need to access the desktop and use the pcs browser - it may sound a little silly but I need to access certain websites from my home pc and use the stored cookies -

Just don't want to go away and fine out that my logmein, team viewer or other app has timed out and lost connection

Any help will help loads


I find LogMeIn still the most reliable but I've restarted my laptop with Splashtop, PocketCloud, VNC, as well as LMI. They all come back online eventually. it is better to shut down all of the apps first to avoid it hanging.

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