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Best RSS Reader for iPad

Hi all,
i read all the topic but still confusing. I need and news rss reader adn work with google reader and catchs all not limited feeds like 100 or 200.i I bought feedler and it is still 200 offline feeds available. It's really ennoying.

Please help me to find unlimited feed for offline reading?
Hi all,
i read all the topic but still confusing. I need and news rss reader adn work with google reader and catchs all not limited feeds like 100 or 200.i I bought feedler and it is still 200 offline feeds available. It's really ennoying.

Please help me to find unlimited feed for offline reading?

Try Mobile RSS but try the free version first.
Do what I do and have more than one reader. Use one, Pulse, solely for newspapers and weeklys, River of news for tech feeds and Reader for the rest. Split yours how you will.
Thanks for your helpful answers.
I should know that which one can offer me to Read full(text only not neccesery pics) articles and all feeds OFFLINE?

Please advise just one and i ll but.
Thanks for your helpful answers.
I should know that which one can offer me to Read full(text only not neccesery pics) articles and all feeds OFFLINE?

Please advise just one and i ll but.

Mobile RSS free

No it allows just 100 feed for offline reading. I need unlimited. If i pay mobilerss does it allow unlimited offline reading?


No idea, I'm running the free version at the moment as a trial. One for the developer I think.
Does anybody have an idea which app is the best offline reading and unlimited news catch? I ve downloaded all rss app but i cant find it. Some of them catches 200 some100 . I ve bought 2 app already and i m regret.

I need rss like google reader, unlimited catch for offline reading.

I've been happy with the MobileRSS Feed app. I used to use my Google Reader exclusively, but I now MobileRSS which synch to my Google account beautifully. It is much easier to create or modify folders, insert or transfer feeds between folders and especially to search for, preview and subscribe to new feeds compared to the native Google Reader. Stu
I'm also after a reeder for news.

What is the Google reader, is it the iGoogle thing? And do you need an account or will the app run on its own?

A few of the apps I've seen don't offer free trials and it's not clear how they work. I've been considering,

The Early Edition
Mr. Reader
Read It Later

Any views on these?

What I'm after is two readers, one which is good for carrying images and reads like a paper/magazine, and one which is text only, headline and a few sentences.
Before signing up came across this thread from Google. The consensus seemed to be that NewsRack was the best reader, so I bought it and checked it out. Generally it's a pretty great app, but I don't like how it handles launching an external browser. Rather than open the article in NewsRack's own browser then open in Safari, I would prefer to not even use the built in browser or Safari, and instead send the URL straight to iCab, my favorite browser. Is there an RSS reader that might fit my style a bit more? Being able to import my Safari for OS X RSS bookmarks would be an added bonus.
ian russell said:
I'm also after a reader for news.

The Early Edition
Mr. Reader
Read It Later

Any views on these?

Strangely, I'm trialing the free app, Pulse, and finding it suits my needs for general feeds. Good presentation, clear guide included, easy to use through google reader.

Just need a magazine style reader now....
Hasty said:
"Just need a magazine style reader now...."


Got it. The very first app I went for.

It's super when used with sites featuring images, hence I use it to keep up with my art blogging favourites. Not so cheerful with text only sites. Also there's the 21 feed limit.

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