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best stylus for painting?


iPF Novice
Hi chaps (sorry if this thread has been duplicated a zillion times)

I'm an illustrator by profession and am so looking forward to using my new ipad2, with all the drawing packages, for creating some artwork.

So can anyone (or an artist) recommend a really good stylus? something particularly suited to drawing and sketching, with a beautiful action and pressure control? i dont mind paying for quality.

So far i'm pushed towards Targus, (yes/no ?) but might also have a bash at making my own too - [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHhB2BF5yQM[/ame]


I have this one:

Just Mobile Xtand - Stand for iPhone / iPod touch / MacBook

I love it, it's pretty good, and they come in a bunch of colors. I'm not an illustrator however, so I don't know if it would be good for you. But there are a bunch of other stylus' made for the ipad and iphone.

There is one called Pogo sketch which might be good for you:

Pogo Sketch

But check out these other threads too:



Hope that helped!
sjleworthy said:
Hi chaps (sorry if this thread has been duplicated a zillion times)

I'm an illustrator by profession and am so looking forward to using my new ipad2, with all the drawing packages, for creating some artwork.

So can anyone (or an artist) recommend a really good stylus? something particularly suited to drawing and sketching, with a beautiful action and pressure control? i dont mind paying for quality.

So far i'm pushed towards Targus, (yes/no ?) but might also have a bash at making my own too - Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHhB2BF5yQM


Just ordered one from amazon, ill let everyone know how it is when it arrives.


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Glad to see someone asking this question. I love oil painting and charcoal sketching, so I'd love to have a worthwhile stylus and art app.

I have the pogo stylus and it's okay... but the tip is like a half of a marble - a hemisphere. There's a reason that artists' tools aren't shaped like that. It's hard to have precision control... it's like using a fat crayon instead of a precision pen (like my Intuos2 graphics tablet).

The tip just needs to be conductive from what I understand... so it should be *possible* for someone to make a more pencil-like stylus... anyone know if such a thing exists?

Also, I don't think the iPad's screen is pressure sensitive.. I could be wrong about that. But we're never going to have the same capability as a graphics tablet with the iPad until the screen is pressure sensitive.
after a load of research, i get the impression it's much of a muchness. some artists use a pogo, whilst others use a targus, whilst others just their finger, whilst all the same time producing great images.

i've just ordered one of these - BoxWave Capacitive iPad Stylus (Jet Black): Amazon.co.uk: Computers & Accessories

i'm also going to try make my own - YouTube - iPad_

this guy uses a cheapo pogo - YouTube - SavageInteractive's Channel

this chap his finger - YouTube - Finger Painting on the Apple iPad from the live model David Kassan http://davidkassan.com 2

as does Kyle Lambert - YouTube - kylelambertportfolio's Channel
Those are some interesting links... the time lapse capability of the apps in capturing brush strokes is quite entertaining (though aside from being cool, I don't know what use I see)

Personally, I am most interested in creating color croquis. I carry my sketchbook around to capture ideas, but testing out color schemes is something that can only be seriously done when the colors are similar to the final product... so inks and watercolors work well... but that's not something I always have with me... so it'd be great to have a program that allowed for accurate drawing and enough brush and color control to test different atmospheres. I still intend on creating the real thing in oils - I just don't see any way around it... the digital versions just don't have the depth and intensity of good oil colors. So I suppose my expectations for the iPad are different than the target audience for most of the art apps. I'm not looking to replace my paints, just to supplement them with a quick and easy way to take down and test ideas wherever I am.
I draw and sketch on my iPad and use AYL (A Young Life) slim stylus. So far it seems to work alright but I haven't had my iPad for that long. I wish there was something more like the stylus for a wacom tablet for the iPad. I'd be in heaven then. :)
I've got Nomad brush from Nomad Brush. Love it! It glides.
Also have a boxwave stylus, which is not bad.
Pogo does not cut it at all!

wow, now you've upset me. my Boxwave just arrived. it's pretty good, and only cost me around 11 or 12 big ones, so it didnt break the bank.

but i'm an artist by trade, so that brush looks completely awesome. i'll have to find a UK retailer and buy me one me thinks.

What's your opinion on it compared to the others? it literally looks like an artists brush. does it really do the biz better than the rest?
How is the Nomad brush working out? I just bought the AluPen and am waiting for it in the mail. I heard great things about it. I'm very interested in the Nomad brush, although I'm a designer and not a painter or illustrator so it isn't on the top of my list.
Nomad brush is soft; it really glides across ipad surface. Feels like a brush, not like a pencil or crayon. Which is not surprising as it is a brush, made out of some sort of blend of hair. I've been using it with SketchBookX. This brush makes gesture drawings a breeze...

I like my boxwave stylus too, but it feels more like a pencil to me. And I'm still looking for a fine-point stylus which feels like a real pencil :)

Any thoughts on Alupen? Is it like a big thick marker?

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