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Best Way to Crop Images - Currently using Pages


iPF Noob
Hi, folks ...

My client frequently takes pictures for her blog and needs to crop them. Thus far, she has been inserting non-cropped images. Recently, she discovered that she can crop images using the mask feature in Pages. This works great and she likes it... but can't figure out how to save the images.

We tried it out together the other day ... she can either save the whole page with the cropped/masked image, or she can copy the image. Trouble is, we couldn't figure out how to paste that copied image into one of her galleries. Can anyone help?

Is there a better - free or cheap - app she can use to crop her images on her iPad?

Thanks very much for your help!

PS: I am unable to test these things myself because I don't have an iPad!
For web work I use a wonderful little program called IMAGEWELL. It's Mac only but is one of the absolutely essential programs I have on my desktop and laptop. I always do my cropping before I place images, and I do it on the larger, more capable machines. I wrote the IMAGEWELL folks and asked them if they had plans to do an iPad version. Sadly, they have no such plans. Anyway... my advice: crop elsewhere and THEN drop into the iPad app.
I use Photolr Photo Studio HD, myself. Found it offered more editing capabilities then PS Express in its free version. Could well be worth looking into! 

//Stefan 

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