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Best way to go setting up second iPad help please?


iPF Noob
I manged to set up original iPad for myself when it first came out, I do not find iTunes very clear, but I got there and have the current update working too!! Now I have bought a second one for my son's Christmas/Birthday. Before I plug it in I was wondering if you guys could help tell me what is the best way to start it up on iTunes. We will share a few apps, but he will have a lot of games apps that I won't need on mine but I have a lot I have already purchased on mine that are especially for his new iPad. He also won't want all my photos, or all the same music I have. I am scared to start, and all the time involved it takes to sync, so I need help to get it right. Also I have limited time when he's not around to do this without him finding out what he's getting. Anyone got suggestions?
I set up a second IPad for my husband. I really don't use ITunes much, prefer moving/transferring things via Dropbox which I won't go into now so I'll try to remember what I did. We did set up the second one on a different computer but it could have as easily been on one as I have a Touch and Classic IPad all on the same computer.

When you connect the second IPad, AIR, it will ask you to name it, so use his name but
use your same Apple registration info so that you can share apps. You will be wise to choose manual sync rather than auto. That way you can pick and choose what apps to sync with his IPad. Every time you connect his or yours ITunes will recognize which one it is so that part you don't have to worry about.

Hopefully someone else will add some more because I can't remember exactly what I do since I do it so seldom and without having it in front of me I can't tell you exactly hoe to proceed.
When my S/O and I got another iPod a while ago, I set up another user on the computer and set up itunes for that user. We now have two different itune setups and who ever signs on uses their own itunes, I believe I found out how to do this from the itunes help section at apple. Not only do we have separte itune seyup we have entirely different desktops.

This would solve your problem,
If you aren't able to setup two users for your computer you might have to just manually sync photos,apps and music to the second iPad.
That is the time everyone realize what crap is iTune. 1st lesson - DO NOT EVER AUTO Sync. That way even if you put 2 users and later on you make some mistakes with that syncing crap, you will not erase data from your iPAD, and believe me almost every one did at some point of time , because he/she misunderstood the way iTune sync.
Where can I find auto or manual sync?

It's okay I found it on the summary page I hope thats it :)
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After you have the iPad connected to iTunes, click on the iPad on the Navigation bar and there is an option to Manually sync items on each content type tab in iTunes
The good news is that you can "cherry pick" what goes on each iPad individually through iTunes because iTunes knows which one is which. Once the device is connected, you can rename it and then pick which music, apps, photos, etc you want by selecting the desired content from the tabs across the top.
Also if you hold the Shift key while clicking on iTunes to open it up, you can set up two different libraries in iTunes and then use the Add Folders or Files option to add things to the second library.

You'll have to use the Shift+ Open option everytime you start iTunes as just clicking on iTunes will open up the last library to be used. I used to use this feature all the time to keep my parents library seperate from mine when I was living at home instead of just setting up a whole new user profile in Windows.

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