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Big WiFi performance improvement

I read about this before and was having connections issue up north, I turned of auto brightness and set to full brightness and didn't have any further issues. But since then I have enjoyed the iPad more being at full brightness all the time. The only times I want it dimmer is when reading and the brightness controls are right there and any changes you make there are only temporary. Heck, I no longer see the need for additional brightness controls now.
Also if you have SBSettings installed on your JB iPad you can just swipe the status bar and they pop up.

Good to know - I was about to JB mine, but then I thought about the problems I have running beta 4.0 on my iPhone, granted the latest is pretty decent, but not as reliable as the fully tested software.
I didn't really see any speed improvements by turning it off but what I have noticed is my upload speeds are always over twice as fast as my download speeds. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Is the iPad throttling the download speed?
That is strange, my internet provider (cable) runs about 10 to 1, download to upload, I've never seen it the other way around.

But I've never tested on the iPad since the tester I use is Flash, do you have a test program that runs on the iPad?
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That is strange, my internet provider (cable) runs about 10 to 1, download to upload, I've never seen it the other way around.

But I've never tested on the iPad since the tester I use is Flash, do you have a test program that runs on the iPad?

I've been using the speedtest app from the app store. And I agree as far as speed ratio. On my laptop and desktop I normally get 10-15Mbps down and 3-4Mbps up. On my touch I even get around 5-6Mbps down and 2-3Mbps up. On the iPad it's usually 1-1.5Mbps down and 2-3Mbps up? So weird.
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I've been using the speedtest app from the app store. And I agree as far as speed ratio. On my laptop and desktop I normally get 10-15Mbps down and 3-4Mbps up. On my touch I even get around 5-6Mbps down and 2-3Mbps up. On the iPad it's usually 1-1.5Mbps down and 2-3Mbps up? So weird.

to make a good comparison, take several speed tests from the ipad with auto-brightness on and get an average speed.
Then turn auto-brightness off and do the same number of tests to get an average speed with it off.

using different devices add more possible causes for speed difference like processer, power usage, wifi chip set, etc... Its better to perform the tests on the same device.
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I've been using the speedtest app from the app store. And I agree as far as speed ratio. On my laptop and desktop I normally get 10-15Mbps down and 3-4Mbps up. On my touch I even get around 5-6Mbps down and 2-3Mbps up. On the iPad it's usually 1-1.5Mbps down and 2-3Mbps up? So weird.

to make a good comparison, take several speed tests from the ipad with auto-brightness on and get an average speed.
Then turn auto-brightness off and do the same number of tests to get an average speed with it off.

using different devices add more possible causes for speed difference like processer, power usage, wifi chip set, etc... Its better to perform the tests on the same device.

I tried that and saw no change at all after several tests. The one thing I did notice is when I chose the G frequency instead of N it was much faster. Roughly 4-5Mbps down and 2-3up. It could be my N radio is defective so I may buy a new router to see for sure.
Ok, so after a bit more testing I realized it's not my routers N radio but the ipads. It seems to throttle back on the download but not on the upload. Anyone else have this issue?
I just used Speedtest here at work and with auto brightness off and set at full brightness I averaged about 5Mb/s download and about 0.5 Mb/s upload speed, but when I turned auto brightness on and lowered to about 1/4 off the lowest brightness setting my numbers dropped about 10%. Of course this was with full signal strength. In my previous testing I found it more necessary to run full brightness as this gave me signal where I had none, in weak signal areas.

And Edlex, one thing to note on N, that I've noticed since having an N router and N on my Macbook pro is that it seems that with N the signal strength drops off very quickly, for instance in my garage I can only get G, the N signal does not reach that far.
I just used Speedtest here at work and with auto brightness off and set at full brightness I averaged about 5Mb/s download and about 0.5 Mb/s upload speed, but when I turned auto brightness on and lowered to about 1/4 off the lowest brightness setting my numbers dropped about 10%. Of course this was with full signal strength. In my previous testing I found it more necessary to run full brightness as this gave me signal where I had none, in weak signal areas.

And Edlex, one thing to note on N, that I've noticed since having an N router and N on my Macbook pro is that it seems that with N the signal strength drops off very quickly, for instance in my garage I can only get G, the N signal does not reach that far.

That's the thing, I'm right next to the router when I'm checking these speeds. I just did a quick test right now. With G I just got 10down and 2.5up and with N I got 1.5down and 2.5up! With my vaio laptop I get desktop speeds with N so I know it's not my routers N radio. I'm hoping this is a software issue that can be fixed in the next update.

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