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Bought new iPad 2 iOS 4.3 is worth to update to iOs 5.0.1?

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iPF Noob
I bought and iPad 2 iOS 4.3 (8f191). As I have seen now it's impossible to jailbreak it. So, my question is if it is worth to update to iOS 5.0.1 for waiting the final jailbreak of pod2g?
Thks in advanced!
Ofcourse. If you stay on 4.3 you will be waiting for nothing-that version is long gone. Aside from jb, ios 5.0.1 has great features.
All the hackers are making fool of it saying we will releasing jailbreak for ipad 2 but none had suceed cause apple has tie up with them & this is a secret
Yes it is just go to jailbreakme.com and all over !

Everybody chill out, ok?
There was a jailbreak for 4.3 but it was very buggy so it was never publicly released. So please do not tell people that and give false hopes.

Pod2g has developed the jailbreak for 5.0.1 and it might be released this weekend. It will support A4 devices and very soon A5.
Everyone: Update to 5.0.1 and use TinyUmbrella to save your SHSH blobs just in case you might need them to stay on 5.0.1.

Now, wait patiently for the jailbreak to be released.
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