iPF Noob
Now that IOS 4.3.4 is out, is there a way to jailbreak my iPad 2 with 4.3 (8F191)?
I have tried, but that site says that I need to upgrade to 4.3.3, which I don't know how to do (iTunes will only go to the latest version).
I have tried redsn0w 0.9.6b4 but that program comes back with the error "unable to recognize specified IPSW" and I've downloaded the file twice (iPad2,1_4.3-8F191_Restore.ipsw).
I do have the SHSHs saved for 4.3 but not for any others.
I am using Windows XP.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much.
Now that IOS 4.3.4 is out, is there a way to jailbreak my iPad 2 with 4.3 (8F191)?
I have tried, but that site says that I need to upgrade to 4.3.3, which I don't know how to do (iTunes will only go to the latest version).
I have tried redsn0w 0.9.6b4 but that program comes back with the error "unable to recognize specified IPSW" and I've downloaded the file twice (iPad2,1_4.3-8F191_Restore.ipsw).
I do have the SHSHs saved for 4.3 but not for any others.
I am using Windows XP.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much.