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How to Jailbreak iPad 2 4.3 wifi


iPF Noob
Now that IOS 4.3.4 is out, is there a way to jailbreak my iPad 2 with 4.3 (8F191)?

I have tried jailbreakme.com, but that site says that I need to upgrade to 4.3.3, which I don't know how to do (iTunes will only go to the latest version).

I have tried redsn0w 0.9.6b4 but that program comes back with the error "unable to recognize specified IPSW" and I've downloaded the file twice (iPad2,1_4.3-8F191_Restore.ipsw).

I do have the SHSHs saved for 4.3 but not for any others.
I am using Windows XP.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much.
No, I'm afraid you are too late now. Because you have an iPad2 and no blobs you are stuck without a jailbreak for the time being. If only you had done this yesterday you would have been OK!
You can't use redsn0w on iPad2. 4.3.3 blobs were your only hope.
Sorry :(

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