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Bought new iPad 2 iOS 4.3 is worth to update to iOs 5.0.1?

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WoW!! but, MuscleNerd is working for the jailbreaking of iPad and iPhone 4, not iPad 2 and iPhone 4S, is that right?

I think you have to go to iOS 5 if you want to stay abreast of iCloud and all the other developments. I have had problems with Safari crashing, but otherwise it was okay.


He wouldn't. But the chronic dev team has it now:
***** REMOVED *****

I'm really not sure I would agree with that link being proof that the next jailbreak will be released this weekend Grayson. What's the link with Chronic? Seems to have absolutely nothing to do with them as far as I can see, and I am not aware of any announcement from them on a timescale...
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I'm really not sure I would agree with that link being proof that the next jailbreak will be released this weekend Grayson. What's the link with Chronic? Seems to have absolutely nothing to do with them as far as I can see, and I am not aware of any announcement from them on a timescale...

That is exactly what I was coming to post ~ this was from our experts at iphones:

"They are just reporting on pod2g's jailbreak, they don't know anything more than what pod2g has already told us which is that the A4 jailbreak is close to being finished and they are not sure whether they will wait until 5.1 is released to release it or not. Either way, I wouldn't hold my breath for a release this weekend. VERY unlikely."

Sorry Grayson!
I said it might come this weekend. :)

Thing is though, I hate that blog that I posted. They always skew the information.
I said it might come this weekend. :)

Thing is though, I hate that blog that I posted. They always skew the information.

Then please don't post links to external blogs which are not providing accurate or trustful information. That site does NOT fall into that category. If you already "hate" it, then don't post it. You know our rules.
They are even posting links to the untethered jailbreak now. Utterly fake. I will remove the links above as we should not be giving them any traffic.
Then please don't post links to external blogs which are not providing accurate or trustful information. That site does NOT fall into that category. If you already "hate" it, then don't post it. You know our rules.
They are even posting links to the untethered jailbreak now. Utterly fake. I will remove the links above as we should not be giving them any traffic.

Ya think? Goodness!

Hi f4780y,
where can I found that list of trustful information sources? Thks

From f4780y or Marilyn. And check out the Hacking section here ~ iPad 2 thread!

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