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Brand new Ipad 2 now what?


iPF Noob
I bought 2 32GB Ipad 2's from sams. I was hoping it may have older software preloaded as I was not sure how it would come. When I power the the ipad up it tells me to connect to itunes and will not go any further. Is there a way around this or do I have to install the latest software. I wanted to jailbreak it if possible so do I have any options here?


My wife plugged it to her computer that already had itunes on it and it allowed it to open. I checked and it has 4.3.3 on it so from what I know I ca jailbreak it. Any advice as to if I should or shouldnt? Also my wife was asking as a general question for both the iphone and ipad if you jailbreak it can you still get updates with the new apps, features and settings?
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JB doesn't really do anything to your unit, except to let you be in control. It opens up the doors to the unit, as it were. Anything you load onto your unit can be updated. And there are only three things to consider: be careful what you install (safe, "official" sources are recommended), do not upgrade IOS and, finally, save your blobs!

//Stefan 
OK, so just to clear up one thing from Coffeeboy's post, you CANNOT save any meaningful blobs, so don't waste any time on that endeavour. If you want to find out more about blobs, check here, but you are too late to the party to do anything about them now - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24323-shsh-blobs-frequently-asked-questions-updated.html

But of course the great news is you can easily jailbreak your iPad2 as you have the only IOS version currently supported!
It really is simple, painless, and risk free (a jb can always be easily undone with a simple restore in iTunes) - Follow our simple tutorial here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...utorial-jailbreak-ipad2-4-3-3-jbme-3-0-a.html

Once you have Cydia installed form the jailbreak, check out our thread here for safe ideas on what to install - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak-applications-tweaks/25824-ultimate-list-jailbreak-tweaks.html

And there are lots of other gread ideas in the jailbreak apps and tweaks sub-forum. Don't forget our themes section too - iPad Themes

Just be careful not to go installing old iPhone apps from Cydia onto the iPad. They are the thing likely to get you in a mess. If in doubt, search here or ask questions... And don't upgrade / restore to IOS5 unless you are comfortable with losing your jailbreak for the time being. You cannot go back to 4.3.3 on your device no matter what once you upgrade.

Have fun!
Thank you all for the replies. I lucked out I guess as both of the ipads I bought have 4.3.3. It was the last 2 they had of the 32GB. I'm too new to know any better becuse I have never owned any of the apple products but I do not think updation to the new operating system is a big concern for me at this point compared to being able to JB them.

I will read the tutorials you have linked and again thank you for directing me. If you all have any thoughts are warnings of things not to do like you have already posted regardless of how minor please let me know.
cmb7684 said:
Thank you all for the replies. I lucked out I guess as both of the ipads I bought have 4.3.3. It was the last 2 they had of the 32GB. I'm too new to know any better becuse I have never owned any of the apple products but I do not think updation to the new operating system is a big concern for me at this point compared to being able to JB them.

I will read the tutorials you have linked and again thank you for directing me. If you all have any thoughts are warnings of things not to do like you have already posted regardless of how minor please let me know.

If you have a good read of f4780y's excellent guides and tutorials in the hacking section you'll get everything you need to know, I did and it made my experience of jail breaking really painless and enjoyable.

The Archangel
SweetPoison said:
uh huh. Okay. But you ate all the cookies and left the Dark Side.


They don't call me the Dark Lord of the Cookie Monsters for nothing you know..........erm, actually they don't call me that at all!

The Archangel
Ok so all this nervous ideas i placed in my head turned out to be nothing to worry about at all. I mean really ...go to the site click free and install and that is it LOL all there is to jailbreak. Thanks you all.

My wife installed Discussion of piracy is against the forum rules because she said she couldnt find any apps in Cydia. However they may be there we are just soo new. The kids will play mostly games so they found some in Discussion of piracy is against the forum rules to download. Should I worry about installing games to cause a virus of problem that would cause me to have to upgrade to IOS 5? Also is there anything i should look into with Cydia or an area to get apps? Not real sure how this works just yet. I'm still reading trying to figure it out.

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We do not condone or allow discussion relating to piracy. Any further discussions relating to piracy will result in this thread being closed.

Don't be a pirate!

The Archangel
Ok so all this nervous ideas i placed in my head turned out to be nothing to worry about at all. I mean really ...go to the site click free and install and that is it LOL all there is to jailbreak. Thanks you all.

My wife installed Discussion of piracy is against the forum rules because she said she couldnt find any apps in Cydia. However they may be there we are just soo new. The kids will play mostly games so they found some in Discussion of piracy is against the forum rules to download. Should I worry about installing games to cause a virus of problem that would cause me to have to upgrade to IOS 5? Also is there anything i should look into with Cydia or an area to get apps? Not real sure how this works just yet. I'm still reading trying to figure it out.


You should worry about stealing apps that should be paid for. You should worry about being a pirate.

Shame on you.
For a start, by installing what you have may cause problems which will mean you will lose your jailbreak until the next one comes our way.......and that may be a long while off!!
Most legitimate apps are checked and rarely cause problems, the others, well I'll let you find that one out!
I apologize. I had no idea that what I was talking about was that. Don't ant to continue any discussion on it to get myself in trouble. I thought it was all part of a package I will stick with using Cydia and trying to figure it out. Now I have to figure out how to undo what they put in. I thought jailbreaking was legal and thought it was all one in the same. Again i apologize.
Well, jailbreaking IS legal. It's just that certain hacks and tweaks are not because they promote piracy, which IS illegal and against forum rules.

As long as you don't install the illegal stuff, you'll be fine and we jailbreakers will welcome you with open arms...

On a quick note Marilyn, the whole piracy thing can be quite misleading, it's available in Cydia so people, like above, obviously think it's ok.
We never mention it's name, and from what I remember it's not mentioned in the rules list, maybe it needs to be a written rule(with a name) that way it's a rule to follow rather than just a grey area that creates problem threads for moderators.
Sorry, not sticking my nose into the way you run things, as it's a great site......I just see this as a bit of a repetitive loop.

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