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What should we be doing now.....................


iPF Noob
I know that there is an http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/44596-official-ipad2-jailbreak-thread.html and I intend to watch it carefully. I missed out on Jailbreaking my Ipad 2 using 4.3.3 because I wasnt paying attention to the jailbreak threads and missed the boat. I DO NOT want this to happen to me again.

So for the benefit of folks like me who are not super knowledgeable in the world of jailbreaking, what should we be doing right now? Do we upgrade to iOS 5 now and wait for jailbreak (if one comes) or does upgrading now mean if a jailbreak does come out in the near future we wont be able to take advantage of it because we already upgraded? I guess what I am trying to ask is this: In order to jailbreak your Ipad 2 when and if a jailbreak becomes available for iOS 5 do you have to be on iOS 4. (whatever) in order to get the new jailbreak?

What is everyone else doing? I am waiting before I upgrade. Mostly because I am afraid if I upgrade now I will ruin any chance I have of jailbreaking my Ipad 2.
Okay, here's my opinion. So, take it with a grain of salt.

I believe all jailbreaking efforts are going to be aimed at iOS5. So, IMHO, it will be okay for you to update to iOS5. But - then stay there. If a jailbreak has not been released, but Apple releases an incremental update (say, 5.0.1 or whatever), do not upgrade to the newest version. That will give you the best place to sit at: You'll be on iOS5, but you'll be at the very start, ready to react to whatever the jail break community offers.

Of course, it could be a long time - and Apple could offer many updates. It'll be up to you to decide how long/if to wait. You'll just have to have patience (and faith?) that "they" can jail break the iPad2.

Again, this is my opinion. Please wait for or search out others.

Thank you for your reply. I am wondering what others are planing to do. Somehow I feel what ever I chose to do will wind up being the wrong move!!!!!!!:(
I have a jb ipad 2 on 4.3.3 and I will not upgrade to ios5 until an untethered jb is available.

If I were you, I would to what Minnie says.
Well, I upgraded to iOS 5, just made sense seeing how I wasnt jailbroken and the chance of 4.5 being jailbroken is probably slim to none. So I will sit with this upgrade and hope and pray for a jailbreak. I will say this though, i dont advise anyone with a jailbroke device to upgrade to iOS 5, just doesnt seem worth it.
I'd upgrade without hesitation if I wasn't jb. For the sake of integrating I'm halfway considering moving on with my 2, but the next step will be on 5 if it happens.

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