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iPad 2 Jailbreak ? Help !

Really it will tell you

Rather than spread misinformation, false hope, (or troll, I can't decide which you are doing), you should perhaps review the FACTS in our sticky here before telling folks they should google a solution to jailbreak the iPad2 on 4.3.5 using Safari - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/44596-official-ipad2-jailbreak-thread.html

For the avoidance of doubt, there is currently NO WAY to jailbreak any iPad2 other than one with 4.3.3 installed. Our tutorial for that is here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...utorial-jailbreak-ipad2-4-3-3-jbme-3-0-a.html
Mickey330 said:
You don't have to upgrade to a firmware to save blobs for a firmware. I highly recommend you go ahead and download the newest version of Tiny Umbrella, which will save your iOS 5.0.1 SHSH blobs for you.

For two reasons: It never hurts to save blobs, it causes no harm and I'm hearing rumors that the jail break community might be able to do something with blobs.

Okay, that was three reasons, but my point is, it's good to get into the habit of saving blobs, it doesn't hurt anything and it does NOT matter or depend on what version you have installed. It's all about when Apple is signing the firmware...


Ok thats great but aftering reading all the other threads on here. Am i right in thinking that i need to install ios 5.0 only. I assume if i do the upgrade dynamically throu itunes it will install the latest version.

Is there somewhere i can get just ios5.0?

I hear you can get them from the apple site but i have struggled to find them. There is a possibility i could have been told false information.


Sent from my iPad using iPF
Ok thats great but aftering reading all the other threads on here. Am i right in thinking that i need to install ios 5.0 only. I assume if i do the upgrade dynamically throu itunes it will install the latest version.

Is there somewhere i can get just ios5.0?

I hear you can get them from the apple site but i have struggled to find them. There is a possibility i could have been told false information.


Sent from my iPad using iPF

You can get the iOS 5.0 firmware (and IPSW file) from here, or Apple's site with no trouble. The problem is, you cannot inSTALL that firmware on your iPad unless you have the SHSH blobs. Apple stopped signing that window in middle November. Since you don't have those blobs, you can only upgrade to iOS 5.0.1.

And yes, that is the only version that iTunes will load.

Just to say i finally did upgrade to 5.0.1 and cant believe i didnt do it sooner.... Like some of the new features of the OS... Havent noticed much of a speed diffence through ;-(

All in all though im happy....

Tempted in looking at that new jailbreak available but first want to see what benefits a jb will bring for me...

One thing i am particularly interested in is not relying on itunes as i am not a big fan of the software...

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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