Grrrr.... this isn't the news I wanted. My lovely iPad was dropped and the screen cracked. I took it back to Best Buy and used my extended warranty I bought to get it replaced. They no longer have the original iPad and they said I could only exchange it for the iPad2. NOT what I wanted. All my docks and cases and stuff are for the iPad. Grrr...
Anyway, being the lover of the jailbreak that I am, I have been trying all day to get it to work. So what I'm seeing here is that because it is an iPad2 and because it came with 4.3.5 on it, then I am basically screwed and there is no point in even trying any longer? I've got my other iPad that I have the shsh blobs saved with tinyumbrella, but I guess I'm reading that doesn't help.
So how long before I can jailbreak this puppy? It is so worthless to me unless I can get it back to the wonderfulness it was before. I hate being limited by the stupid apple programmers. I want my vertical scrolling back and my extended dock and everything else wonderful about what I got done from Cydia.
Anyway, being the lover of the jailbreak that I am, I have been trying all day to get it to work. So what I'm seeing here is that because it is an iPad2 and because it came with 4.3.5 on it, then I am basically screwed and there is no point in even trying any longer? I've got my other iPad that I have the shsh blobs saved with tinyumbrella, but I guess I'm reading that doesn't help.
So how long before I can jailbreak this puppy? It is so worthless to me unless I can get it back to the wonderfulness it was before. I hate being limited by the stupid apple programmers. I want my vertical scrolling back and my extended dock and everything else wonderful about what I got done from Cydia.