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buy now or wait

You can spend the rest of your life waiting for better technology just around the corner and never buying anything!
I'd say buy now. Even if you only get four months usage from it I believe you will consider it money well spent.

Remember it will work just as well when the new iPad comes out as it does now.
I suspect that there won't be radical changes in the next upgrade, rather a refinement of the current model to keep it ahead of the competition and real changes will await iPad3.
I bought mine a couple of weeks ago than to wait for the iPad 2 in a few months time becuase I could do with using some apps on the iPad now for the next few months than nothing at all. I mean, I really need to have an iPad right away and use apps that would be of big help in my life.

It is up to you to decide to buy now or wait for iPad 2. However consider this...

Who knows? In a couple of years time or thereabouts, maybe there will be iPad 3 coming out? You could always buy iPad now, use it for a few years, then if there is going to be iPad 3, you could get it if they designed it at all. I figure it seem better to get myself iPad now, use it for many years and if there is going to be iPad 3 or ever 4 in a number of years time, upgrade to the newer one, than to wait months for iPad 2.

Beside, what are the chances of the iPad 2 being shipped out on time or being delayed? You never know, you may hope for iPad 2 only to find it being delayed for a few more months.

But it is still up to you.

Beside, as 1994-C1 points out, Apple is not going to change the screen size, and I believe in this, after all one of the iPad's many strong selling points was the big screen. So you can do it either way, buy now and you get a big screen or wait until iPad 2, but you still get a big screen.

It is really a matter of do you think you want to use an iPad now?

Current article about this topic and then throwing in the look at upcoming Android options too.

Could care less-already got iPad as an early present and enjoying every second!
And for those who really then want another device, (e.g. iPad 2 or Android) they can get iPad now and eBay later if they so choose. I won't be amongst them. I don't replace computers every year like that, just my iPhone, which is always with me.
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At this point, you should consider waiting. The iPad 2 is just around the corner, and it will have a few minor improvements like front (and potentially rear) cameras that will add value to the user experience. As the details and rumors are revealed over the next few months, you can see whether or not you want to continue waiting for the new version or get the current model.

I've been using the iPad since September and I love mine. I'm glad I got it when I did. But that has been over three months ago. If I didn't have one now and my wife offered to get me one as a Christmas present, I would ask her to wait. However, that's just my opinion...and I can't believe I'm telling a fellow gadget junkie to wait.
I would probably wait even if I wanted a 1st gen iPad, since they will soon be dropping in price due to the iPad 2. I should have waited for mine. I bought it the Monday before Black Friday, because I read there would be no Black Friday discount. Of course there was...:rolleyes:

But then again. I'm really glad I have the thing so if you just can't wait go ahead and get it:D

From what I have read so far about iPad 2, it's not going to be so impressive that I won't still be happy with my iPad. Seems the screen will be the same size and resolution, the memory will probably be the same, and the price points will probably be the same. Unless my article is outdated of course. I think the camera and standard 3g are going to be the big differences, and even with the camera you will need wifi to video chat. Those features would be cool to have, but I'm still happy with my wifi only 16gb:)
Yeah-kind of how I feel too. Do I like to have the latest of anything-well sure, of course! But I don't think the iPad 2 will have so much more than 1 to make me feel lacking. I haven't read deeply into the supposed specs though, although until it is released, all of it remains unconfirmed anyway. If 3G is to be standard, then I would wonder what the price point will be, as I hear how prices will largely remain the same for the 2. But even so, the inclusion of 3G wouldn't matter to me because I don't use it for iPad-my unlimited iPhone plan suffices great for me out in the field. I don't have heavy needs for surfing while out-just nice to check something on the fly. But for people who don't mind waiting-hey, whatever floats peoples' boat!
I'm getting mine tomorrow for Christmas. I can't imagine anything in iPad 2 that would make me wish I had waited.
in my case, it happened to be an early Xmas present which I've been happily enjoying and using every day for the last few weeks. So 12 days of Xmas and then some!
Every new model comes off the floor and the next year the latest is out. If you constantly wait, you never have anything. And for all the iPad 2 people, will they then be sorry that they didn't wait for 3, and so forth. The release is still a good 4 month away for 2. I could see waiting to buy brand new if it were like mid-March.
Best to have the 1st gen (which the iPad is still very advanced for a 1st gen product) and wait and see how iPad 3/4 turns out as that is where the MAJOR tweaks and differences will be

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