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Calendar dates from way back


iPF Noob
Hi Twerppoet
It is me again with a new problem.
My calendar has lost previous entries from about 9 months ago. I saw you advised somebody some time ago to go to Calendar in settings and go right to the bottom and pick (I forget what it was now and i can't find where you said it) I think it was all events but I do not see that in my settings. Also every time I put an entry in to my calendar it asks for my password. I do not know if I am in the right place to ask this question
No problem.

Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, scroll to the bottom and look for Sync under the Calendars section. It should be set to All Events.

If you are syncing your calendars with an IMAP service then you can delete the account at the top of the same settings area, then add it again. This will usually stop the password requests. Examples of the right kind of account would be: iCloud, Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail. If you have a different account let me know (sorry I don't remember what you said before) before trying to delete and re-add the account.

You shouldn't lose anything doing this, though it's not a bad idea to go to your account's website first and make sure your data is there.

Good luck.
Hello again
I have put the calendar sync to all settings but the information is still only there from April 2014. The only ones that are tree before that date is entries which have been marked to repeat yearly. I do not know what IMAP service is. And I do not now how to delete my e mail account as it does not seem to be giving me that option.
I do not use Outlook it is Yahoo which is my email account and I Cloud
Go to your Yahoo site and check your calendar there. To see if the older appointments are still there. Unless you are syncing the calendars with iCloud, in which case go to icloud.com in a desktop browser.

Both Yahoo and iCloud are IMAP accounts. IMAP is a mail protocol that keeps the data on the server, so that all devices and computers connected to it have the same information.
Sorry I must seem so stupid. When you say go to my Yahoo site i don't know what you mean. Do I have to log in to yahoo then look for calendar. Could you do me a step by step?
Yes I have just been to my laptop in I cloud and the messages are there
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I have gone into yahoo.com on my laptop but I do not see any calendar
I do not know if I am syncing with i cloud or I tunes. I have not synced calendars for a while unless it does it automatically
Wow! They've really changed things since the last time I was there, and buried the calendar.

Use Safari to go to my.yahoo.com and sign in using your Yahoo email and password.
Tap on the What's New tab.
Scroll down a bit and you should see a Calendar block
Tap on Go To Yahoo Calendar in the bottom of the block.
(you might want to bookmark this)

The controls from there should be understandable, but let me know if you need more.

If you visit the same site using a desktop browser you can use the Add Content button to put your calendar on the main page.
Nothing is easy!
There is no "what's new) and if I type in calendar block it just gives me adverts for lots of calendars
Nothing is easy!
There is no "what's new) and if I type in calendar block it just gives me adverts for lots of calendars
Ok now I have opened up yahoo on my laptop and customised it to bring up the calendar and all the entries are on it from way back.
I think my computer is the cause of a lot of my problems. It is about 6 years old and a bit overloaded. And slow. Now how do I get the messages to my I pad. Do I sync them with I tunes or if it is I cloud I don't know how to do that.
Help again please!
I wrote a big reply here but it has disappeared, however I have checked my calendar on my I pad and all my entries have appeared by magic so it looks like my problem is solved. Thank you again for your patience. I hope you do not get too many like me!!!.
Hello again
I was wondering if there is an app similar to Photosync which works with music. At the moment I download my music with I tunes
If you get your music from the iTunes Store, then iTunes is your only option. However, you don't need to use iTunes on the computer. Anything you buy in the iTunes Store can be downloaded directly to the iPad using the iTunes Store on that device.

Just look in the Purchased tab.

If you turn on Show All Music in Settings > Music; then you'll also see purchased music in the Music app. Tracks that are not actually on the iPad will have a cloud icon next to them. You can play these streaming (they don't download) by tapping on the song. Or tap on the cloud icon to actually download them for local playing.

If you have non-iTunes music you can download and play it on the iPad, but it won't be in the Music app. Instead you'll be downloading and playing the songs in a third party app like OPlayer or AVPlayer. There are half a dozen good choices here, with basically the same features. So you're choosing between interfaces that you like.

Each of these offer several ways to load songs into the apps. This can be a website interface (you enter a given URL into your desktop's browser), cloud services like DropBox, or more esoteric methods. A couple probably (I don't know for sure) probably even offer companion apps for your computer, similar to PhotoSync.
Hello again
I was wondering if there is an app similar to Photosync which works with music. At the moment I download my music with I tunes

Hi Jolin.... - as usual, TP has given you a succinct review of a number of music options; but you may want to tell us what are your sources for music, e.g. iTunes as already discussed, other online sites, such as Amazon, ripped from your CDs, et al?

Just as an example, I've bought a LOT of music from Amazon over the years - there is an Amazon app on my iPad which allows me to play (or stream) any of my purchases - at the moment, I am listening to the album below using wireless streaming to my TV's Bluetooth soundbar - SO, please provide some more information and maybe we can come up w/ several other ideas? Dave :)
Hi Dave and TP
Thanks again!
All of. My music is in I Tunes. Some downloaded from I tunes store and some copied from my cd collection and I have downloaded it all from my laptop.
I wonder if all the music I have in I tunes. Will be using Up a lot of space on my laptop as I have a lot of music 3.80 GB 115 albums and my laptop is very overloaded. ( I need to get myself a new one ) I am not very smart at finding out where exactly these files are. I have just discovered that most of these music files are on D drive which is my back up drive on the laptop (not the removable hard drive ). I think this means that the music will not be using up space on my C drive.. I think I am beginning to ramble. I would probably be best to go to the site you recommended Cyber Tech Support with this problem.

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