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Camera Connection Kit & iFile (iPad 2 jailbreak)


iPF Noob
Apr 20, 2011
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I am considering buying a camera connection kit for my jail broken iPad too as I have iFile and want to be able to plug in a USB/memory card to expand my memory for movies as I am travelling to Italy in a couple of weeks. I just want to know if the iFile hack still works with the jailbreak on the iPad 2 before I spend £25 on a camera connection kit.

I've moved this to the Hacking section, where I think it will receive better attention.

I am considering buying a camera connection kit for my jail broken iPad too as I have iFile and want to be able to plug in a USB/memory card to expand my memory for movies as I am travelling to Italy in a couple of weeks. I just want to know if the iFile hack still works with the jailbreak on the iPad 2 before I spend £25 on a camera connection kit.


Yes, it still works.
Just before you rush off, I want you to be in full possession of the facts.

The CCK does work, and on a jailbroken device using an app like iFile you can read and write to it perfectly.

However, whilst the SD adapter works flawlessly with all SD cards up to 32GB without problems, the USB adapter is not so simple.

Apple dropped the power supplied to the CCK with IOS 4.2.1 and therefore there is not enough juice going through the USB to power a drive that is not self powered (ie running off the mains or its own independent power supply). Also a large number of USB Flash Drives do not work because the draw too much power. It is a bit of a lottery I'm afraid.

Don't go this route if you are expecting to plug in a 500GB USB Powered laptop drive directly to the iPad! You will also have problems with most (not all) USB Flash if they have a LED light.

We have lots of threads on the subject if you search.

Hope that provides a more rounded "Yes" answer to your question. I'd hate for you to be disappointed on your holidays!
f4780y said:
Just before you rush off, I want you to be in full possession of the facts.

The CCK does work, and on a jailbroken device using an app like iFile you can read and write to it perfectly.

However, whilst the SD adapter works flawlessly with all SD cards up to 32GB without problems, the USB adapter is not so simple.

Apple dropped the power supplied to the CCK with IOS 4.2.1 and therefore there is not enough juice going through the USB to power a drive that is not self powered (ie running off the mains or its own independent power supply). Also a large number of USB Flash Drives do not work because the draw too much power. It is a bit of a lottery I'm afraid.

Don't go this route if you are expecting to plug in a 500GB USB Powered laptop drive directly to the iPad! You will also have problems with most (not all) USB Flash if they have a LED light.

We have lots of threads on the subject if you search.

Hope that provides a more rounded "Yes" answer to your question. I'd hate for you to be disappointed on your holidays!

Thanks F4780Y that's very helpful, I would mostly be using it with a USB stick but I do own quite a few memory cards so it shouldn't be a problem :)

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