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Camera Connection Kit + Jailbreak = cheap video storage!

I damn near started dancing a jig when I got my hard drive to work again! lol. Now if they would just come out with a 2TB 2.5" drive I would be happy.
After playing around with external hard drives, USB sticks and SD Memory cards using the Camera Connection Kit on iOS 4.3.1 (iPad 1), I've come to the conclusion that CCK SD Card reader is by far the easiest, fastest and "cleanest" way to access external files on your iPad. Connecting a USB hard drive to the iPad is about as practical as a family of 20 buying a sports car. WIth all of the cables going everywhere, it's just such a mess and a PIA to connect up.

THe CCK USB reader is nice, but Apple screwed that up with iOS 4.2.1+ by reducing the amount of power supplied to the USB port, so only a handful of USB thumb drives actually work now.

Then enter the SD reader - it seems to work with any SD card I've thrown at it, no wires, very compact and it even mounts automatically! Using the "Create Link" method in iFile, you can then access the files on the SD memory card directly from any app (jailbreak app or appstore app)! Basically, you just gave your iPad unlimited storage!

Just two cents!
I bought a 3rd party CCK with an SD slot & USB combined (Gen 1, I found out). Doesn't work... :(

I bought a new CCK, with SD slot, mSD slot, USB, micro USB and AV out (5 in 1 - Gen 2, they said). Tested it with all my SD & mSD cards... works perfect. Shows up in CAMERA under PHOTOS if I have a DCIM folder in the memory cards. Also shows up in iFile as Flashdisk. Gotta be formatted to Fat32 tho. Maybe FAT works also, but NTFS definitely does NOT.

Tested it with my 16GB Data Traveller Flash Disk & 4GB SanDisk Cruzer with LED. Both does not work giving the too much power error.

Then I tried with a USB mini-keyboard. It gave the error: Device is not supported, but it works. I'm able to type with it in NOTES... very happy :)

Have not tried the micro USB & AV out yet... as I don't have the AV out cables. But being able to read my SD & mSD cards makes me a happy camper :)
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I am looking for a piece of software to allow me to connect a hard disk to my iPad2, any suggestions would be appreciated
I am looking for a piece of software to allow me to connect a hard disk to my iPad2, any suggestions would be appreciated

You need the Camera Connection Kit and a Cydia app called iFile. Note, you hard disk must be externally powered. The iPad cannot power a USB powered drive like a laptop can. Obviously, your device also needs to be jailbroken as Apple do not allow this on stock devices. If your iPad2 is not already JB, then it must be on IOS 4.3.3, otherwise you are out of luck. See out sticky here for more info on JB - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/24377-jailbreaking-methods-ipad.html
I've looked around a bit, although not too much, for info regarding SDXC 1 TB card compatibility with the CCK on JB iPad 2. Does this work at all?? And if so, will a 3rd party CCK do the job? Thanks!
In case no one here has mentioned it I have found that I am able to connect my iPod (5 or classic) with the camera kit and access the hdd. I am currently using my old 30G iPod as an external hdd. I have a 4th gen but my drive is dead or I'd try that one too.

ifile is also able to detect my psp as an external drive.

Nice. Is it still working with newer versions of iOS?

I damn near started dancing a jig when I got my hard drive to work again! lol. Now if they would just come out with a 2TB 2.5" drive I would be happy.
Do share with HDD its working with and how?

After playing around with external hard drives, USB sticks and SD Memory cards using the Camera Connection Kit on iOS 4.3.1 (iPad 1), I've come to the conclusion that CCK SD Card reader is by far the easiest, fastest and "cleanest" way to access external files on your iPad. Connecting a USB hard drive to the iPad is about as practical as a family of 20 buying a sports car. WIth all of the cables going everywhere, it's just such a mess and a PIA to connect up.

THe CCK USB reader is nice, but Apple screwed that up with iOS 4.2.1+ by reducing the amount of power supplied to the USB port, so only a handful of USB thumb drives actually work now.

Then enter the SD reader - it seems to work with any SD card I've thrown at it, no wires, very compact and it even mounts automatically! Using the "Create Link" method in iFile, you can then access the files on the SD memory card directly from any app (jailbreak app or appstore app)! Basically, you just gave your iPad unlimited storage!

Just two cents!
What's the status with the latest iOSes with Jailbreaks?
I use an AirStash+ to get unlimited storage on my IOS devices.... even the unjailbroken iPad "3"...... just swap out SD cards for more storage.
You can even copy pictures from SD card to iPad and to a new blank SD card in field! I backed up camera cards while on cruise without computer! Going to Tanzania on Safari and wanted a simple picture backup solution without electricity & internet!
The Airstash looks like a cool idea. Are you able to copy movies and pics to and from it? or just stream the content from the Airstash? I'm fine with the 500GB HD that I use with the CCK, y cable, external battery, and iFile + USB Toggle on my Jailbroke iPad2, but for my kid's who aren't into jailbreaking the Airstash sounds like an easier solution.
jwjohnson said:
The Airstash looks like a cool idea. Are you able to copy movies and pics to and from it? or just stream the content from the Airstash? I'm fine with the 500GB HD that I use with the CCK, y cable, external battery, and iFile + USB Toggle on my Jailbroke iPad2, but for my kid's who aren't into jailbreaking the Airstash sounds like an easier solution.

Apparently yes, you can copy in both directions. I just saw on another thread, talk of a device called CloudFTP which will allow you to connect an existing HD to the iPad wirelessly, you may want to check that out as well.

The Archangel
Airstash is great for making copies of SD camera cards in the field! I plan on using my on Safari in Tanzania with a USB charger that uses AA batteries!

Is it possible to play videos off an SD Card/USB stick on a jailbroken iPad 2? ie, without having to copy over the video file to the iPad?

I have iPad 2 wifi 16gb 4.3.3 jailbreakme 3.0, the latest iFile and a 3rd party CCK. I can read files off the CCK, no problem, can copy files back and forth, but everytime I try to use iFile native video player (or the create-link method and VLC) to play a video without copying the video file into the iPad, it never works. Usually the video will hang after about 2-3 min, and more often than not, the iPad will hang and I have to soft-reset it by pressing the home and power buttons.

I'm dying to know if anyone has successfully done this. If someone can tell me it's NOT possible then I'll stop trying...it's driving me crazy.


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