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Camera connection kit problems with iPad2

Hi Guys - I find the CCK (Camera Connection Kit) a little tricky & unpredictable to use on my iPad2 (not jailbroken) - when you have the native Photo App opened and insert the CCK w/ a SD camera card inserted, then a 'new' tab named 'Camera' should appear at the top of the app and show your photos - if that happens (fingers-crossed!), then you can import the photos desired (be careful about the options & color of the check marks - you could delete the images from the SD card probably not desired).

You cannot just plug in a SD card w/ a bunch of JPEG images into the CCK and hope to upload the images to your iPad; camera SDs store their images in a special directory called DCIM (i.e. 'Digital Camera Images'); the iPad has to recognize this directory first - could you make such a directory on a regular SD card? Not sure, may have to give that a try. Also, on a camera's DCIM directory, images are labeled quite specifically - that may also be an issue - I have actually loaded some JPEG images to my camera's SD card (into the DCIM directory) and renamed them according to the numbering system used by the camera - I was then able to import the images.

Bottom line - the CCK seems to work for me but there are plenty of principles that need to be understood to fully utilize its features. Looking forward to comments from other members who may have better figured out these issues! Really annoying and hopefully the new iOS will address these frustrations - good luck all! :)

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