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Can I download books from Barnes&Noble?

How cool is this I ask you. I have been trippin about this book, The Socipath Next Door. I paid for that one and I thought it was lost forever to the person that bought my Nook.

Nope. I am so excited!
Diane was telling you. I don't have any archived books but if I did, and she implied your 8 books might be archived, you would find it here. Usually when you first enter the app, or you buy your first book in the app, you are walked through the process of setting up your account. When you shop for books the app will remember you and your information so that it will easily sell you a book. I like the Nooks lending ability--which allows me to lend my book to someone else. But I'm the only one I know who uses an iPad for reading and I cannot see how this feature works.


Matt! I don't think I ever thanked you for this post. Forgive me. I have been really sick this week:(

I still have my Nook, but I read all my books with the iPad Barns and Noble app. You just need to sign in to the account you originally registered your Nook under. I does not matter that you sold your Nook
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread, but...

I purchased a nook book on my iPad. Downloaded and read the book. I really like the book! Contrary to most of you, I "TRUELY" hate the Nook app. I didn't see anywhere, here, a way to move the Nook book to any other reader... can it be done?

I have an iPad 2 and I don't think I've sync'd with my PC since I bought it ...

I'm tired of having to "login" to the Nook app, every time I wish to reread this book AND then have to re-download it...

Thanks :)
Unfortunately, books bought for the Nook have to be read with the Nook (or the Nook app). Most major booksellers have Digital Rights Management (DRM) coding on their books. This is what prevents you from reading that e-book on another device or app.

Sorry, but unless you buy DRM-free books, I'm afraid it's the Nook app for reading.

Thanks! I had guessed as much. Nobody wants to risk losing their profit margin.
I just won't be buying another Nook Book :-p
Thanks again!
I use the Nook app and don't have to sign in or re-download to read my Nook books. Is there a setting somewhere that you have missed?
I have over 300 books on nooks, i Just got the nook app. free then connected my Ipad tocomputer and syn and they are all on my ipad.I did have the same E-mail address and passwrod;Hope this helps

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