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Can I sync with itunes after a jailbreak?


iPF Noob
I bought an app from the app store, but for some reason it wouldn't install directly to my ipad. It showed up in my itunes account on my computer though and I really want it on my ipad. I paid for it, so it kind of sucks to have it unusable.

So my question is if I can sync with my itunes after the jailbreak without losing the things I have installed since.
Just to be clear, its not the apps on the ipad I want to sync over to my computer. It is an app I bought from the app store which would not download to my iPad for some reason. It was Awesome Pad. It is just the thing I needed and it sucks not being able to use it.
If you have it checked, on the APPS tab, in iTunes, and then sync, it will be transferred to the iPad. Nothing will happen to your jailbroken apps, they will not be backed up to iTunes though. You have to backup the Cydia apps with Cydia app called PkgBackup or AppBackup. Most consider PkgBackup to be the best.

If it won't sync, it could be that it's not compatible with the iPads iOS, if your on iOS 3.x, many new apps won't run on anything less than iOS 4.2.x and iTunes won't allow them to be loaded to the iPad.

Also, if and app is very large, Navigon for example, you usually can't download it directly to the iPad, you must do it in iTunes, and then sync it to the iPad.
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So just to clarify if I use pkgbackup and back up all my jail broken apps I will be able to restore the apps once I have synced with itunes?
Walker -
You should be able to get most it not all of your apps back IF you have to restore and re-jailbreak again.

ocdetails -
Syncing with iiTunes DOES NOT cause you to lose your jailbroken apps. If your do a RESTORE in iTunes, you will lose your apps and will need to have them backed up. Unless you have major problems with the iOS, you should not have to do a RESTORE. Restore is to recover from a major crash of the iOS.
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Thank you very much for the help. I just have this one app I want to move over from itunes to my iPad, so I think the info you have given me is perfect! Thanks!

edit: I just noticed it requires 4.2 to work. Grrrrrr... well, since I won't be upgrading to 4.2 for any reason, I guess I'm out the $5 bucks. Oh well...
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I'm only out $2.99, but the worst thing is that more and more Apps and their upgrades are requiring API's that are only in iOS 4.2.x to work. So, sooner or later we will have to upgrade to iOS 4.2.x or better yet, to iOS 4.3.x which will, we hope and pray, fix at least the major problems with the iOS 4.2.1 upgrade that are causing so many people, so many problems.
Itunes will not sync apps to a jailbroken iPad on 4.2.1 yet. It will sync from but not to.
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grayshark95 said:
Itunes will not sync apps to a jailbroken iPad on 4.2.1 yet. It will sync from but not to.

Actually, after further examination, I had wifi sync on my iPad and that screws up the iTunes syncing. iTunes will sync fine with a jail broken iPad.

iPad 16gb Wi-Fi 4.2.1 jailbroken untethered

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