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Cannot clear history, cookies and cache on ipad


iPF Noob
I cannot delete the history, cookies and cache on my ipad. I have read available treads. I closed all open safari windows, pressed clear history in the safari pop up window, even quit safari, went to settings and pressed the buttons for deletion of history, cookies and cache. I restarted the ipad. The disappointing result is that cookies are not deleted (sites I visit still have record of my login and password info), when I start safari and enter "www" in the URL window long ago visited sites still appear. How can I truly delete cookies, cache and all history?
Gibsund said:
I cannot delete the history, cookies and cache on my ipad. I have read available treads. I closed all open safari windows, pressed clear history in the safari pop up window, even quit safari, went to settings and pressed the buttons for deletion of history, cookies and cache. I restarted the ipad. The disappointing result is that cookies are not deleted (sites I visit still have record of my login and password info), when I start safari and enter "www" in the URL window long ago visited sites still appear. How can I truly delete cookies, cache and all history?

Did you try to turn autofill to off in the Safari settings?

Sent from my iPad using iPF
iVan said:
Did you try to turn autofill to off in the Safari settings?

Sent from my iPad using iPF

I did try the same procedure too with the autofill option turned off, but the result is still the same: Cookies and history still there when I enter "www" in the URL field, even after restart of the ipad.
I have the same problem.
Could it have anything to do with a sync with my mobile.me account?
I did the sync when the iPad was new, and then turned the sync off.
I have noticed that the when I delete the log in iPad settings, the log is emptied except for 12 sites.

Does anyone have an idea?
paatrykk said:
I have the same problem.
Could it have anything to do with a sync with my mobile.me account?
I did the sync when the iPad was new, and then turned the sync off.
I have noticed that the when I delete the log in iPad settings, the log is emptied except for 12 sites.

Does anyone have an idea?

The mentioned 12 sites aren't by any chance bookmarked?
After you figure it out....might I suggest atomic web browser where you can enable/disable private mode for viewimg those certain sites.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
The mentioned 12 sites aren't by any chance bookmarked?

Some of them are. I deleted them from the bookmarks, quit Safari and deleted the log.
But they are still there when I enter www in the address field.
Quite frustrating.
I also checked my iPhone 3G S, and the problem is the same there. The same sites will not be deleted from the log.
Synchronizing probably has something to do with it.
I won't go as far as to say I 'know' this, but I'm fairly confident that like Mail's quick address suggestion feature, the URL suggestions are a separate buffer from the catch, cookies, and history. It will only hold the actually URL address, and not any of the other sensitive web data that might be found in the catch or cookies. It would not be significant amount of memory either.

Time will probably remove these, but only if you never visit the site again.

I have no idea how to clear old URL suggestions. Well, you could probably do it jailbroken, but unless someone has made an app for it you'd have to know what file to change and how, or risk breaking Safari altogether. Or worse.
I work at a counseling center for at-risk abuse survivors who use donated iPads to journal their interactions and experiences with their partners. Many of these partners continue to be a current source of abusive behaviors. These women face a very real danger should their partner see what has been typed into the search box. The frightening reality is that the iPad's Google app retains all that has ever been typed into that box, and regurgitates it as part of it's alphabetical instant search feature within the first one to two letters typed into its' search box thereafter! I was hoping that the glaring privacy issue of the iPad's inability and the Google apps' unwillingness to permanently clear past search history from it's instant search results would be addressed. Despite utilizing "clear history" when results drop down in the menu, and despite clearing cookies and cache, etc., from Google and Safari in the iPad settings icon, plus despite clearing bookmarks in the Safari app, finally despite meticulously following the instructions from the iPad help, this serious security breach remains. In fact, iPad help instructs to use the settings touch button (the sprocket icon located on a pull down screen located above the search box) to open the Google app menu. Within it is supposedly a button saying "save recent searches". When clicked it supposedly offers a yes and no choice. If no is chosen, then supposedly all searches are cleared and all future searches not saved. Disturbingly, this button is absent from the menu! it does not exist. Which presupposes that when iPad help was developed, it was assumed that such a button would be included in the menu feature when, it turns out, it was not.
Clearing cache and search

Try going under the advanced option (and then website data) in safari settings. That removed my search history too. Just be sure you have closed safari and not left it in multitask bar before clearing. Hope that helps.

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