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Cannot connect to YouTube

I have finally fixed this on my iPad.....

I performed a "DFU Mode Restore" - you can google how to do this - which fixed the problem. Before restore I made sure that iTunes was connected to store with the same apple id as my iPad would be after the restore.

I hope this helps - be warned however it does take a fair while to perform the restore fully as it needed to update IOS as well as load up all my apps, vids, music, etc.

Good luck to everyone else with the problem.
Whenever I have connection problems on YouTube, I just reboot it then all is well. It works mostly every time. But if it doesn't work after a couple of times rebooting it after it doesn't work, I check the connection and sometimes it's not connected. I click on my network wait for it to come up and I click my network and wait for the blue check to pop up next to my network which means its now connected. This should work, hope I helped.
Have you tried closing the app in the multitask bar and restarting it. that might work better than a reboot, as a hung or misbehaving app survives a reboot.
I had the same problem and just fix it . Just shut off your Ipad completly. wait for little while then turn it on - apple logo show up.
Then everything is working . No more error message because You tube is ...good.
Good luck my friends.
I have that problem when I use the brown Youtube icon that comes with ipad. But I also downloaded the Youtube app from the appstore and that works. Try it.

Unless you are still using the iPad 1, or a fairly early version of iOS, the YouTube app no longer comes with iOS. You have to download it, and it's red. The old app is no longer updated, and since Google has made several changes to YouTube in the mean time, it's not surprising that the old app no longer works correctly.

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